Spring Break Is Over

I can't believe it is already Sunday night and Spring break is already over. We have been so busy and I really haven't gotten any thing done that I wanted to. Hmm where did I leave off.

Tuesday, Nicole had an eye doctor appointment. James and I have very bad eyes and Noelle & Neona both wear glasses already so we wanted to get Nicole checked since she is in the middle of them in age.

She has recently refered to her one eye as her "good eye". We got to the eye doctor and she was fine till we had to go in the back. She was very nervous and then upset when the doctor said she didn't need glasses yet. She started to cry when she realised it was time for the glaucoma air puff test. The doctor whispered in her ear that is she didn't tell her sisters she wouldn't have to do it this time since it was scary enough being her first time there.

As we were leaving she informed me that her ears were still itchy and hot like they were the night before. I looked and the skin was dry and flakey. She has always had sensitive skin and her old doctor said she probably had mild excema. I dropped Nicole off at home and then it was time to bring Noelle in to get her 2 new pairs of glasses fitted at a differant place and go get groceries for dinner since I forgot to defrost anything.

Wednesday, Nicole woke up with a "hot rashy beard" as she put it. It went from ear to ear on her cheeks and under her chin. She had no other symptoms so I slathered her up with noxema and sat her on the loveseat/quarantine area like when she had pink eye a few weeks ago.

Then on to cleaning and organizing for the yard sale over the weekend minus one helper. I of course did most of it with kids just watching to argue that they need to keep everything. We got Noelle's room done. The worst part being her desk, which resembles a garbage dump.

Then on to my room. OMG, James started "cleaning" last weekend which means I had a rubbermaid in the middle of the floor full of tools that he hasn't had time to put back in their cases. Plus a pile of papers on the coffee table (Yes, he needs a coffee table in the bedroom. I'm just glad the loveseat is finally gone so there is only a chair now.)

The papers are on the coffee table because he "cleaned" the desk and they need to be filed. There is also a pile of cords on the floor by the door to the bathroom because he "cleaned" the desk drawer. I left everything as it was for days waiting for it to get finished and now I can't handle it any more.

I must say that I think when I put cords in the desk they breed. I don't even know what all the cords go to any more or if I even need them. I then go to make dinner since I actually remembered to defrost it today. I made one of those boxed chicken meals that you add water to, put in a casserole pan and bake with chicken breasts on top. It was Southwest rice, James picked it out. We ate a late lunch so only James ate it. I left it on the stove to cool off before I put it away. It remained there till I found it when I woke up in the morning. :( Oops

Thursday, after waking up to find a whole wasted dinner, I woke up the kids to continue cleaning. Nicole was still rashy and now Neona had pink eye. Neona, got the quarantine loveseat now and Nicole after jumping around fine for a day had to clean regardless of rash.

We woke up late because we stayed up late playing video games. So we didn't get much done when we had to go to the bank for change for the yard sale. Then off to the hardware store for signs and to get a hose since the dogs ate ours.

It is almost time for me to leave work and go home so I will continue more tommorrow.
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