Valentine Coupons

The full page is 6 coupons. James loves getting back massages so I actually cropped the image into separate images and put them together on a page as a Word file. Then I could have more of the ones I wanted and none of the ones I did not need.
I printed out plenty of the back massage ones. It was always cute to find a coupon sitting out somewhere for me to find when he wanted a back rub. Remember a fun family has a fun Mommy and Daddy too.
That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
What a great idea! I give one to my husband so he can have breakfast in bed, or have HIM make ME breakfast. Hmmm....
I did this one year for Valentines too. The person I gave them to really enjoyed them. They could be cashed in whenever they wanted.
I left an award for you on my blog.
Have a great evening!
Wow that is so so cute. I nearly forgot all about Valentine's day. I have been a bit stressed with joblessness and all that.
Very Cute Idea!!!