April Fools Day

Many years ago I was 18 and worked at a deli with man named Jeff. He was always full of pranks. He worked on the opposite side of the store but he had a perfect view of my phone from his. Most often he would call me with fake voices and ask me if we had something in stock. When I had finished looking for whatever he asked he would pop up from under his counter and laugh away.
Another one that he did often was put peanut butter on the earpiece of my phone. He would call my phone and yep, you guessed it, I would get an ear full of peanut butter. I must warn you that it could ruin your phone. He stopped doing that prank after he almost broke the phone. The peanut butter got into the holes and he had to take it apart and clean it really well.
There are many cute pranks that you can do with your family this April Fools Day. A popular favorite is putting a rubber band around the button of the sprayer on the kitchen sink. When people turn on the sink they get a wet surprise.
A childhood friend of mine had a coin superglued to the ground at their house. Every time someone went by they tried to pry it up. If you have a busy sidewalk or parking area this would be a fun prank. You could just sit back and watch the action.
There are even some cute computer pranks. You could tape paper over the bottom of the victims mouse. Just make sure to write April Fools on it for when they check their mouse. You could also change the screen saver to Marquee and type a funny message. You could also go into the control panel and change the mouse settings to left handed. They will go nuts trying to figure out things are not clicking right.
Have you done some funny pranks or had pranks done on you? Feel free to share them with us.