Sick of Looking For a Vehicle

It was easier before I had three kids that are getting bigger everyday. I could look at a chevrolet corvette pics and drool. There is no way that can be an option now. I used to be interested in sporty cars and concept cars like the chevy Volt but being a mom for all these years has made me no longer even look.
I have also gotten sick of people recommending vehicles and dealerships. No, I do not want to look at a dealership that just has ford taurus pics. No, I do not want to check out a kia. I can not fit three growing girls in a Kia.
The only reason we are getting a third vehicle is because we want a vehicle that has third row seating. We have been doing more long drives on weekends and we want something that will allow the girls more room in the back. I want to have fun on trips and not listen to the girls fighting because they are squished and grumpy.
We want 3rd row seating and 4x4 so we there are not many options. It is pretty much narrowed down to an Expedition or a Yukon. They do not all come with 3 rows and 4x4 so that narrows it down even more. It will be a very long weekend but hopefully by the end I will have a vehicle.