(Closed) Giveaway - Double Waverider Slip'N Slide

The time has come for the Wham-O Double Waverider Slip'N Slide giveaway!!! I know you have been anxiously waiting for summer so I wanted to celebrating early with a Slip'N Slide Giveaway. This giveaway has been sponsored by CSN Stores.
They have a store for everything you could ever want. The best part is that every item has a neat "Seen it for less?" option. If you find an item on another website for less you can send them a link to the website and they will get back to you with an offer.
We were given this same Slip'N Slide by CSN Stores and we can not wait to use it! Our back yard goes down in a slope which makes it hard to do certain things with the kids but it is perfect for sledding and Slip'N Slides! We had a regular plain one and the girls had to wait in line for a turn. As soon as I saw this double one I knew it would be perfect for families like ours that have more than one child. Now two kids can go at once!
You can find the Wham-O Double Waverider Slip'N Slide on the Toys and Games Online store. You may also want to check out some of the great kids bedding they have on All Childrens Furniture.
This giveaway ends at midnight on April 8th.
Your main entry will be to comment on what you look forward to the most about summer.
* Blog about the giveaway and include a link back to this post. Make a new comment here with the URL to your post. (This is 3 entries!)
* Follow this blog - It is on the left sidebar. If you are already a follower it still counts. Make a new comment here that includes your follower name.
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* Add the Your Fun Family Blog to your blogroll. Make a new comment and be sure to use your URL when you post it. (This is 2 entries!)
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* Share this giveaway post on Kirtsy, Digg, Twitter, Stumble, or anything else you can think of.
Each one counts for one entry so each should have a separate comment. It must include the link where it can be found to count.
I will be deleting comments that do not follow the rules so others get a fair chance. Make sure that I have a way to contact you if you win! If I can not find your email address on your comment, profile, or website you can not win.
I look forward to swimming at my mom's with the kids the most! Between the sun and the water they're always tuckered out at the end of the day!
following you on twitter @Leenburke
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I can't wait to get out our summer clothes!!!
I look forward to spending time with the kids - playing outside, riding bikes, running through the sprinkler..
I look forward to hot dogs on the grill, and visits to the lake.
cjosborne73 at gmail dot com.
Summer....love the sun & beach but most of all not having to get up early to take the kids to school.
I look forward to extra time with my kids.
swimming and laying out, reading books.. :):):)
Shorts and flip flops! lol
I look forward to swimming at the pool with my kids the most!
ouroboro2000 at gmail dot com
harness racing with swimming and fishimg right up there
I'm looking forward to family bike rides.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I look forward to camping trips :)
going to the car races.
Keeping cool in the rivers and streams around us. My kids and I will play in the almost every afternoon.
I look forward to taking my granddaughters on picnics. We go as often as possible throughout the summer.
Honestly I live in wa and I am just looking forward to some sun and warmth. amypugmire@live.com
I follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
Oh my goodness! That thing looks like fun! My favorite part of summer and the part I am looking forward to the most is eating outside! I love sitting on the deck and eating with the family! Less to clean up inside and sooo much fun!
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Thanks so much. Wish me luck!
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Thanks Erin
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I'm looking forward to planting our garden.
I follow on Twitter as mgoss123.
For THIS grandma of 4 it's the SUN,SUN,SUN so we can ALL be outdoors....and this giveaway is just perfect of this outdoor family. thanks
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I'm looking forward to the kids WANTING to play OUTSIDE! Yea! lockwoodmerrie@yahoo.com
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Username: mjl6mom2
i look forward to being able to go for nice walks, play at the park, bbq... so excited!!! =]
I look forward to FUN, FUN!! Can't wait to enjoy the warm weather.
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I look forward to taking my kids to the beach
I am a follower - degood
Spring has come , Summer will follow soon bringing fun in the sun for kids of all ages including this one..
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I miss the warm weather, and can't wait to be able to wear shorts again
I look forward to fishing and camping with the family!
I blogged #3
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I look forward to barbecues out on the deck the most!
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I look forward to riding my harley in the warm sunshine.
Well i have a three and two year old and am really looking forward to all the water activities in the backyard and this would be so perfect for shevy and skyler! What a truly fab giveaway.
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I cannot wait to teach my kids how to swim this summer!
In AZ- its summer about 9 months out of the year! But this summer- teaching both of my toddlers to swim!AND the nonstop BBQ's!~
follow on Twitter-@tally2525
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I look forward to our annual summer trip to Lake Tahoe where we swim in the lake, go on boat rides and hit the casinos.
I Follow this blog as Shawna
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watching my 18 month old grandson play in his pool and just enjoy playing outside!
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Looking forward to beautiful weather and traveling.
We all love going to the beach.
The best thing about summer is the idea that there are less structured days. Nice break for me and the kiddies!
I look forward to enjoying the outdoors with my daughters
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What I look forward to most about summer is sleeping in and then getting up, throwing on my bathing suit and heading into the backyard!
I look forward to swimming again!
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cdziuba follow on twitter
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I look forward to warm sunny days the most.
twitter follower(Missybeez80)
I am looking foward to going to the beach.
I already follow your blog (Sue)
I'm looking forward to doing some camping this summer.
I already follow on Twitter (Suec)
We have been away for almost a year!!! Looking forward to basking in my family love and happiness!!!
I like being able to store away my sweaters and wear flip flops! To show off my latest nail polish on my toes!
Looking forward to the BBQ's and the amazing days at the the summer trailer.
nicole.hopper [at] gmail . com
Following via google friend connect.(panicxduh@yahoo.com)
Oh, i'm white as a ghost!
Sun Tan please.(panicxduh@yahoo.com)
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I look forward to having bbq's at my parents house & swimming with the kids.
I'm looking forward to some nice long bike rides and afternoons at the community pool.
michelle dot lee dot carter at gmail dot com
I look forward to BBQ's and playing in the pool with my kiddos. Thanks for the chance.
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I look forward to firing up the BBQ and the abundance of fresh food available.
My husband and I are expecting our twin boys this summer so that is what I'm looking forward to the most!
I look forward to spending more time with the family and going to the beach.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
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talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
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talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I look forward to my husband and I taking our grandchildren on a road trip
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bargainfun1 at yahoo
can't wait for camping ! bargainfun1 at yahoo
I look forward to going to the beach with my family & the new baby and going to the pool and having late night barbecues
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I mostly look forward to no more kids' homework, the smell of freshly cut grass on a hot summer day, eating ice cream cones at the park, sunbathing at the beach...oh yeah, I'm ready! ;)
logan 4301 {at} yahoo {dot} com
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logan 4301 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I can't wait to eat ice cream on my front porch!
Can't wait for us to be able to enjoy the pool again. Once it warms up we will spend every afternoon outside!
Flirty Lasso follows you on Twitter
I am looking forward to the warm weather and sunning in my pool!
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monson 525 at gmail dot com
swimming at the lake
monson 525 at gmail dot com
I look forward to wearing flip flops and taking camping trips with my family! Thanks for the giveaway!
I always look forward to hiking outdoors and the smell of good BBQ!
I look forward to growing fresh vegetables
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I look most forward to finishing up my Master's Degree this summer!!
I love the warm air and not having to wear a coat!! Not to mention there is so much to do in the summer!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I'm a new follower!! maryw1981
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
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maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
Just playing outside with my daughter she will be 2 and all last summer i had a job that took me out of town 90% of the time. Now i have a new job where i don't travel.
I look forward to spending time at the lake with my kids in the summer.
I look forward to being out of school and going to the beach with my family. robandleighbright@suddenlink.net
We enjoy cookouts.
I'm looking forward to just being outside in the sun!
I look forward to sitting on my patio with a good book.
smchester at gmail dot com
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smchester at gmail dot com
I look forward to the warm weather and getting outside,cooking out and just enjoying the out of doors!
I follow U on GFC birdson@roadrunner.com
I look 4ward 2 most in summertime is long hot days @ the lake campin with our family...... birdson@roadrunner.com
I follow U on Twitter/ Birdson777 birdson@roadrunner.com
I look forward to playing in the water the most.
waitesrd at yahoo dot com
I look foward to our cruise that kicks off the summer..finally some time to spend with the family with no video games, work stress or television to interfere just pure straight bonding!
forgot to leave my email addy on above post
Spend time with the kids at the beach!
Fresh vegetables out of the garden.
Theresa N
I like the down time of summer. No school lunches to pack, no schedules to follow. Staying up late with the kids. Playing in the dark catching fireflies. This year we also have our first family vacation planned. A full week away from home. So excited.
Grilling, the sun, bonfires, flip-flops...just being able to be outside!!
froggy_luver at hotmail dot com
gkstratos at yahoo dot com
Early evenings at the pool w/a cold drink
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I am most looking forward to leaving my doors and windows open!
My daughter was crawling and couldn't do steps so we didn't leave our doors open (that go down into the porch). This year she's fine and I plan on fresh air/no AC all summer!!!
I look forward to taking a vacation in Maine in the Summer (we're in FL, so it's VERY HOT here)
melissamcnicol at yahoo dot com
I look forward to the blowing up the little pool and smelling sunscrean!
savingmomssanity at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC:)
We will be spending a few days at the beach where my friend is staying. So looking forward to it!
I follow you on twitter/LissaL
I live out of state from my mom,sis and family. Each summer I go home for a 2 week visit-the highlight of my summer:)
I follow your blog as jelaws5
feed subscriber through Google reader
I look forward to being able to spend time outdoors! It was a miserable cold winter and I am ready for some sun!!!!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
Thank you for the giveaway. I have two kids so this would be fun which brings me to what I look forward to in the summer.
Water play!! It gets so hot and miserable in the summertime here. Wouldn't be so bad if the humidity wasn't so high. We love getting wet with the waterhose, sprinkler or taking a ride over to the lake to swim.
mrsmiki77 (at) gmail (dot) com
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I look forward to the warm weatehr!
I'm a new follower..Thanks for hosting this giveaway..I'm girlinair
I'm looking forward to my hubby's family union this summer. We are just married 2 yrs and I haven't met alot of them..so it should be so much fun and my son will be one!!
I also follow you on twitter now too...I'm girlinair
Being able to swim without freezing! :)
kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com
We look forward to eating snowcones.
I look forward to eating fresh veggies from the garden.
I look forward to the warmer weather and being outdoors more with the kids
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tweet: http://twitter.com/MomBalancingAct/status/11757870173
am looking forward to going to one of the Schlitterbahn parks in Texas to spend the wknd soaking in the cool water
I follow you on twitter @pixie13sweeps
Google Friend Connect follower
I'm looking forward to cookouts with family. Best part of summer.
I love being able to watch the kids have a blast during the summer. I always look forward to taking them to a new place and seeing how excited they are.
I look forward to going to the beach, thanks!
I am looking forward to take my daughter to all of the local farms this summer! Thanks!
molomatic (at) gmail
I follow your blog.
My husband is a teacher, so I am looking forward to some family time while he is on summer vacation.
I always look forward to getting back in the garden. Thanks.
I look forward to nice weather and enjoying the kids out of school
The thing we look forward to most about summer is the lake. Water, swimming, fishing!
strawberrykidssales at gmail dot com
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The thing I look forward to most about summer is being able to travel in search of clues to my family tree research. But a slip n slide would be great to come home to!
i am looking forward to the fresh air
sinhead83 at hotmail dot com
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sinhead83 at hotmail dot com
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sinhead83 at hotmail dot com
I look forward to again, visiting my granddaughters (who live out of state,) and watching them take swimming lessons and play in the local pool and quarry pool. Such fun!
I look most forward to weekends at the lake.
Right next to that is gardening.
barbara.montyj at gmail dot com