Update on Working Teenager

In the end I decided to let her apply for the job she wants. The place she wants to work is a small amusement park in the next town. We get season passes each year and spend at least one day a week there during the summer. We live in a tiny town so she would have to work somewhere else anyway.
I still do not want her to get a job so young but I left it up to fate. I am sure that the place she wants to work will have tons of applications so I figure she does not have much of a chance to get a job anyway. Why argue about a job that she will most likely not get?
So she filled out the online application and now we wait and see. I bought myself a little more time I guess. I am sure that in a couple weeks she will find a new place that she wants to apply for a job at.
I had several jobs by the time I was her age, one as a dishwasher for a summer camp on Catalina Island where I lived at the camp for 3 months.
Checking back to see the update. I've been curious. What a perfect summer job. A job where she can be with kids her age, have some fun, still make money, and begin the process of being responsible. Sounds perfect. It's a shame it's in another town; but maybe if enough of her friends get jobs there a car pool can be set up to minimize the driving to and form.
Good luck to her, I'm sure's she's anxious about the job process...the waiting to hear. They need lots of summer workers and probably have a large variety of jobs requiring different skills. Sounds similar to the fair around here where they hire tons of short term help. Do you have a county or local fair, zoo etc near you. That might be a good fall back position.
Keep us posted.
Wow! 14 1/2 years old, I wonder what I was doing at that same age..
But it is a good start for her to experience the "real world". However, this calls for more caution, for she is being exposed to quite more day-to-day danger.