Erickson Duoservers

I have yet again neglected some of my dropping duties so I would like to apologize. I have been very busy trying to do a million things at once. I am finally finished with one of the projects though. I just partnered with a company to start a new business venture. So now in addition to my card and invitation store I also have a web hosting service.

I am really excited about this one. It really has some great plans and prices. I have had such a horrible time trying to install programs onto my main website. I went through many headaches trying to get things to set up right. I also found many programs that would not work on my main website because the web hosting company I was using did not have Zend Optimizer or Ion Cube. What few things they had were all outdated. This was even more of a hassle.

The first thing I wanted to be sure of when starting a web hosting company was that all of this was taken care of. I am very proud to say that my web hosting company has all of this and more. I absolutely love the 1 Click Installs. It is perfect for the person that is new to this all and has no idea how to install things. There is no need to pay anyone to install programs for you. My web hosting company comes with 1 Click Installs for over 30 PHP scripts. It really is fast and simple.

Think and Make It Happen

I have been reading this book. Yes, I am still reading it. Well, I should say I am rereading it. It is one of those books that has to be read more than once. It takes time to change your thoughts and your life. Negative thoughts become a habit and habits are hard to break.

I look at this book as more like a textbook to be studied with principles to learn. This book might not be a huge thick book but it is stuffed full of great information. After reading it the first time I decided to go back and take notes. There is way too much information to just read it and have it all sink in.

I recommend reading it a chapter at a time. What I really like doing is rereading the same chapter every night before bed. This helps me look at how my day went. Did I use all of the ideas I learned during my day or did I fall back into some old negative habits? I can go over my whole day in my mind while rereading the chapter. I can also think about how I should have done some things differently.

This book shows us how much we let our thoughts control our lives. We need to take charge of our lives and control our thoughts instead. When Dr Augusto Cury talks about the difference between reacting and responding it really made me think. I am often quick to react to things and later when I think about it I wish I would have handled things differently. We need to stop and take time to think so we can respond rather than just reacting.

"Think and Make It Happen" is full of great tools to help you have a more healthy way of thinking. It can enrich your mental, emotional, and spiritual life. Your thoughts really do change how you live your life and how your life ends up. Now is the time to change your thoughts and make your life better.

Flower Pens

These flower pens look great and make great gifts. Years ago the girls made these at their grandma's church. That time they were made as a Mother's Day gift. These cute pens would make great Valentine's gifts too though. They are perfect on their own or give a few of them in a cute pot. Wouldn't this look great on a desk?

Flower pens can be easily made with just a few supplies. All you need to do is head to a craft store and pick up some floral tape and fake flowers.

Cut the stem of the flowers so that it will be the right length on the pen. Then simply wrap the floral tape around the pen and stem. When you reach the full length of the pen you are finished.

***If you want to make nicer pens you will need super glue so the kids can just wrap the pens in the floral tape. The rest must be done by an adult. You can remove the end of the pen and set the flower inside the pen. The flowers can be trimmed down so only a little stem is left. The little stem then gets super glued and placed in the pen.

This simple craft looks great. Who would not like one of these flower pens?

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Chili Cups

Check out these cute little things! These little Chili Cups would be another great Super Bowl food. Again they are fast and easy to make so you do not have to spend too much time in the kitchen. You can be out where the fun is and have a good time. Kids will enjoy making the also.

This simple snack is made by simply pressing refrigerated biscuits into the cups of a muffin pan. Kids will love pressing and forming the little cups. After the cups are formed you can spoon some chili into the little cups and top with some cheese.

These cute little chili cups get baked at 400 for 12 to 15 minutes.

If you want to dress the chili cups up a bit you can serve them with some sour cream and onions.

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Pigs In A Blanket

The Super Bowl is looked forward to by many people each year. When people think of the Super Bowl they always think of food too. The day is usually full of snack foods and big meals. It can often end up more like a holiday with all of the cooking and eating involved. I find it easier to make fast snacks. I do not like spending a whole day stuck in the kitchen. One of my favorites is Pigs In A Blanket.

Pigs In A Blanket is super easy to make and kids love helping out. All you need is a package of little smokies and a tube of refrigerated crescent rolls. The crescent rolls are too big so you will need to cut each one into 3 or more smaller pieces. Then just have the kids roll the sausages up in the dough. The pigs in a blanket then get baked on a greased baking sheet at 375 degreese for about 8 minutes or until brown.

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Taco Dip

Since the Super Bowl is coming up I figured I would share with you an old recipe of mine. This taco dip is perfect for parties or any other excuse to have snacks. It also is a no meat taco dip for people that eat dairy but avoid red meat. The recipe can be made with fat free or reduced fat dairy products which will make it even less unhealthy.


This taco dip is super simple! Just mix together equal ounces of cream cheese, cottage cheese, and sour cream. It helps to warm the cream cheese slightly. Then just add your favorite taco seasoning. This mixture can be refrigerated until time to serve.

When you are ready to serve the taco dip spread the mixture evenly on your serving dish. Then you can top it with shredded lettuce, cheese, onions, tomatoes, and olives. Now all you need is some tortilla chips and your favorite salsa.

This taco dip is super easy and delicious! You can also use this mixture to make a meatless taco salad.

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Scrambled Letters

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

One day while going on an adventure across the internet I saw this. I found it a bit interesting. Now that the holidays are over I decided to post it. I also decided to research it more before posting it.

Well, it turns out to not have anything to do with Cambridge and not be fully true but it is still pretty interesting. A man that actually works for Cambridge did some research when he found this same thing online. He has a very lengthy explanation of why this works and what really does not work. If you are interested you can find all the information on the site.

Playing Rock Band

I have taken a short break from posting since New Years Eve. I was so busy posting Holiday things on this blog and Make Memories since Halloween. I needed to stop and just be Mom for the rest of the Winter break. What have I been doing? Playing video games of course!

I have been too busy to play video games with the girls for awhile and that needed to change. I decided to move the Nintendo Wii from in the rec room to the livingroom. This was a great decision. I am now able to easily take breaks from what I am doing and have fun with them.

You may remember that we got Rock Band recently. We got the two track packs for Christmas so we have plenty of songs to play. We have also been playing a lot of Mario Kart and American Idol. The girls are pretty shocked at all the songs I know. They seem to not realize that at one time Mom was pretty cool.

I do not really play the instruments very well because I have not had much practice on them. James rarely will sing and neither will Noelle or Nicole. That leaves just Neona and me to do the singing. It is pretty good for my ego when the girls tell me how good I am at singing. I have not sang for people in years and I kind of miss it.
