Entrecard Experiment

Stranded = No Entrecard box
Roadblock = Already been to the blog
U turn = Blog displaying own ad
- 10 blogs - stranded
- 7 blogs - roadblock
- 21 blogs - roadblock
- 14 blogs - roadblock
- 5 blogs - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 6 blogs - roadblock
Switched to Random
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 7 blogs - U turn
- 8 blogs - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - U turn
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
Switched to Artificial Random
- 5 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 2 blogs - U turn
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 6 blogs - roadblock
- 8 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blogs - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 7 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 9 blogs - roadblock
- 7 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 5 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 3 blogs - roadblock
- 4 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 6 blogs - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 1 blog - roadblock
- 3 blogs - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
- 2 blogs - roadblock
I Give Up !!!
This is where I landed on a site that has 300 Entrecard sites all ready for you to just go through them all. I then realise why my roadtrip kept ending up on a select few sites. I now know the two kinds of Entrecard people. There is the casual one that finds it fun to check out other sites and there is the professional clicker that just rifles through 300 sites a day and puts out a lot of ads.
I do not think I could ever become a professional clicker. I just do not have the time. I would much rather take that time to create. I do not think I would have time to write good blogs, read other people's blogs, add to my websites, and still have a life if I clicked that much.
Entrecard is a great resource and it helps people that do not have the money to advertise be able to. It also helps sites get a higher traffic ranking. Now here comes the huge BUT... if you do not take the time to have good content then people are just dropping and bouncing. You also need to make sure you have something eye catching right at the top or people will just click right on by. If people are not staying to read your blog or clicking on ads it is not worth much.
great post! I find that I am a cross between your two factions. I do drop like a maniac! and try to hit 300 per day BUT I am also unemployed and my youngest child is 14 so I pretty much have TONS of time on my hands! LOL!! (I also don't sleep much at night!
But on the other hand I always try to post something worth reading to keep people coming back. I also take a few minutes to browse the sites that I drop on and if something grabs my attention (Like this post!) I stop, read & comment!
so we are not all hit & run drivers (that's what I call them!)!!
so keep on with your road trip, you will likely find a nice little niche!
Well, I have been trying to drop more but it does eat up a lot of time. I try to do everything blog related on my laptop so it stays a fun break from the rest of my sites. It takes awhile to go through a lot of sites on a laptop with wireless though. Even longer when the girls are on the other computers. LOL
I do also love checking out all of the other blogs too. I am very guilty right now of putting things off so I can read more blogs.