Summer Jewelry Supply List

Well it is getting closer to the end of the school year. I know many of you have kids already out of school or just about to get out. Schools get out later here. Plus we have snow days to make up. So June 10th will be our last day. I can not wait!!!
I love summer break. Well, at least I love it for most of the summer. There is a point towards the end of the summer that I start to really miss having that time alone during the day. I start to miss being able to get things done. I also start to miss having the house quiet enough to think. LOL
Yes, I love my kids. Yes, I love spending time with them. That is obvious since all my sites are about family. I do firmly believe that mothers need to take care of themselves though. Moms need to have their own time for themselves so they can enjoy their family. This way we will be able to be the superhero everyone expects us to be without ending up in the nut house. LOL
In my house I keep lots of supplies on hand during the summer. It is my way to head them off before they start with the "I'm Bored" routine.
We have two containers of supplies. One is a big Rubbermaid full of arts and crafts supplies. The other one is the jewelry supplies Rubbermaid. This one is what I will be talking about today. I have all girls so those of you that have just boys might get a bit bored today. You may want to keep reading and make some simple jewelry yourself though.
I try to keep these supply boxes stocked so it is ready at a moments notice. If you buy just a little each time you go to the store and keep it all organized you will end up with a good supply kit before you know it. You always end up with extras when you do crafts so keeping it all together and organized saves time and money in the long run. It is also very helpful if you tell friends and family to buy things for the supply box as gifts. There are only so many stuffed animals that can fit in a house.
Summer Jewelry Supply List
I love summer break. Well, at least I love it for most of the summer. There is a point towards the end of the summer that I start to really miss having that time alone during the day. I start to miss being able to get things done. I also start to miss having the house quiet enough to think. LOL
Yes, I love my kids. Yes, I love spending time with them. That is obvious since all my sites are about family. I do firmly believe that mothers need to take care of themselves though. Moms need to have their own time for themselves so they can enjoy their family. This way we will be able to be the superhero everyone expects us to be without ending up in the nut house. LOL
In my house I keep lots of supplies on hand during the summer. It is my way to head them off before they start with the "I'm Bored" routine.
We have two containers of supplies. One is a big Rubbermaid full of arts and crafts supplies. The other one is the jewelry supplies Rubbermaid. This one is what I will be talking about today. I have all girls so those of you that have just boys might get a bit bored today. You may want to keep reading and make some simple jewelry yourself though.
I try to keep these supply boxes stocked so it is ready at a moments notice. If you buy just a little each time you go to the store and keep it all organized you will end up with a good supply kit before you know it. You always end up with extras when you do crafts so keeping it all together and organized saves time and money in the long run. It is also very helpful if you tell friends and family to buy things for the supply box as gifts. There are only so many stuffed animals that can fit in a house.
Summer Jewelry Supply List
Friendship Bracelets
Embroidery Floss - This one is simple. That is all you need unless you want thicker ones then you can use Yarn.
Macrame Bracelets
Cording - When you go to the store you will find many types of cording. It is all a matter of preference. All that is required is that it is not stretchy and not too rough. Usually the best is Hemp or Jute.
Beads - (optional) These are just to add to the bracelet if you want it to be more personal.
Friendship Pins
Large Safety Pins
Small Safety Pins
Seed Beads
Long Elastic Cord or String- (optional) This is if you want to make other things like bracelets.
Beaded Bracelets, Anklets, Rings, and Necklaces
Beads of all types
Elastic cords
Optional Items - If you are just starting out working with beaded jewelry you may want to start easy. All you really need is beads and cord. These are great for little kids too so if they lose them you are not out much money. I always tell my kids to save as many of the beads as they can if the elastic snaps. This way we can reuse them and the kids are not as sad at the lose. Once you have made a few of these you may want to look around more in the jewelry section of store like Michael's. There are endless possibilities.
Memory Wire Bracelets
Jewelry Pliers Set - you can find cheap ones at Michael's. I got a set of 5 types for about $20. It really was better for me to get a full set. You will find many uses for them. Some of them are multiple use ones too. For this one you will need one that can cut the wire and has a cylindrical tip that you can wrap the wire around.
Memory Wire - They come in different sizes so make sure you think about what you will be using it for. The first time I bought some it was too small of a circle and it was very uncomfortable around the wrist.
Charms - (optional)
End Caps and Glue - (optional) epoxy or jeweler's cement glues. Don't use superglue.
Okay, so that is the basic Summer Jewelry Supply List. Don't not be afraid to wander through the craft store and think of new ideas. A trip to the craft store could end up being the highlight of your day. They can be a lot of fun or maybe I just need to get out more. LOL
If you click on any of the craft headings you will be taken to the main site for the instructions on how to make each one. I hope this will help you combat the "I'm Bored" monster this summer. Keep checking back to see more Summer Break ideas.