I Love the Entrebar

The addition of the Entrebar has made my life much easier. I can do my drops with little to no extra thought. As soon as I sit at the computer in the morning I open up Firefox and sign on to the toolbar. I open up my email and also open 10 blogs. I read a few emails while the blogs load and then go through the blogs. I go back and forth like that until all my emails are taken care of. Then I go about any other business I need to take care of while more blogs load.
I do this back and forth routine and before I know it I have finished my drops. The Entrebar is so easy and thoughtless that I often find my kids doing drops for me. I will get up to get some coffee and come back to find my kids sitting there. For those that know that I did not see being able to have multiple blogs and being able to drop on them all... this is why I am able to. My teenager does some of my drops for me. She is becoming addicted to blogs now.
There are a few blogs that the girls have come to like reading. There are a few that they just point out to each other when they come to them because they like the name of the blog. The girls love the animal blogs and craft blogs. They also like to talk about some of the interesting blog topics. I have to say that it is better than the almost nonstop conversations about Tokio Hotel that have been going on for the last month.
Long story short... If you do not use the Entrebar yet you really need to. For those that have had problems with it there is also a newer Beta version available. I have the original one on my main computer and the Beta one on my laptop. I have used the Beta one for about a week and I love it even more. It is not listed as a feature on the site but it seems to keep you from having to start at the beginning again if you stopped. Either that or I am nuts.
I have been able to do drops on the main computer for awhile and then go to the laptop and it will pick up where I left off. It makes it so much easier to deal with than the original. The Beta version and the original version can be downloaded on the Entrecard Toolbar page.
I love Entrecard as well. Great network!
I am loving the Entrecard bar too. It makes things go much faster! I wish more people would put their EC at the top of their blogs and not be so worried that we won't read anything. After I drop, I always scroll down to see what someone has to say.
i love entrecard dropping. obliges me to drop back to those who dropped at mine.
Entrecard really help me to improve traffic. From zero to few hundreds a day. I also meet many new friends at entrecard. The toolbars make my job more easy. Thank you entrecard.
WOW! Why didn't I already download the Entrebar? Thank you so much for posting about it and reminding me that I should look at it. I used it for the first time today and it is awesome. Such a time saver!
I enjoy the Entrecard as well. Hugs. to bad wordpress will not allow me to have it on that site as well.
It acts weirdly with Firefox though. I've had to disable it whenever I want to hide it, 'coz otherwise it leaves some lettering all over my browser.
That said, I do love the thing. Especially being able to browse my inbox by popularity. :)