Soccer Moms
Well most of you do not know about Nicole and Neona playing soccer last year since I did not start this blog until after it ended. The girls have always loved watching soccer on television. James' has tons of jerseys. Arsenal is James' favorite. The girls even have a few jerseys of their own. When they were little they had cute little full uniforms that James brought back from England but they have out grown all of them.
A couple of years back Alexis started playing soccer at recess and really liked it. When we moved to this small town Nicole and Neona decided that they wanted to join the soccer league that the community center runs. They had practice on Thursdays and games on Saturdays. They loved it at first. It rained so much this spring that we were always behind on games. They started to get upset because it kept getting canceled. Then they were changed to 30 minute practice and then 2 games every Thursday and Saturday to make up for the rain days. This really wore the girls out so they started to get sick of it.
The last game of the season came and Neona was tired and begged to stay home. I told her that she had to play because it was the last game and her team depended on her. Half way through the second game Neona took a ball to the face. It hit her hard and her glasses went flying off. She had a headache the rest of the night and her glasses had to be bent back to shape at the eye doctor but she was fine. She did decided not to play this year though. Nicole and Neona are a year apart so this year they would play on different leagues so they did not want to do it. I am hoping that they will get back into it next year though. It brought them closer together. They were not just sisters they were team mates too. Plus I got to sit on the side lines with all of the other soccer moms.
The Sproutwells are back with a new video. In this one the mother becomes a soccer mom. It is pretty cute. Do not forget that you can collect points on healthy products and then go on to freshfunds and use your points to bid on great prizes. All you have to do is buy some Chiquita Fruit and Veggie Bites, Fresh Express Gourmet Café Salads, or Fresh Express Packaged Salads and collect the points.