I Love Your Blog Award

I just received this award from Thrifty Momma Ramblings. I would like to give a big thank you to Bonnie for giving me this award.
There are some rules for this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the persons you've nominated.
So now for the passing on of the award. It is always hard for me to decide on who to give awards out to. I do not want to just keep giving awards out to the same people over and over again. I also do not want to give awards out to people who just ignore getting awards. There is no fun in that. So I decided to give awards out to people who have blogs that I like and comment on my blog.
Happy Healthy Families
Friends Furever
Gandalf and Grayson
Try and Try Again...Diary of a Wannabe Work at Home Mom
Lora's Journal
This Blissfull Life
I am sure that a lot of you have already received this award so I do not expect you to give it out again if you already have. I just wanted to let you all know that I am thankful for your comments and I do read your blogs. I do run out of time in the day to comment on as many blogs as I would like.
Also remember that anyone that is interested in getting our award for their blog or website can get all the information by clicking on the award in the right hand sidebar.
Congratualtions! And thank you very much for passing it on to us!
We didn't know you had another blog! You Halloween decorations look like great fun! We're going to tell our Auntie about them because she may want to make some with our 8 year old cousins!
Thank-you Melissa!!
Thanks so much, this has definitely made me smile :)
Hi Melissa! Thanks so much! :)