Too Many Bees

We had trouble even opening the doors because the kids would freak out that a bee would come in. They would fly all around by the doors so the kids would not want to open them. Just a short time after putting out the bee juice or bee traps the bees were not around.
Bee Juice / Bee Trap
First you need a container. The gas station uses big ice cream buckets but you can uses smaller ones. The container should have an open area where the bees can get in. In most containers you can just cut a hole in the lid. The hole should be about an inch big. Plastic soda bottles without the lids are used often but be sure that you will not have small children around or they could try drinking the soda.
Next you make the bee juice for the trap. Mix together Mountain Dew with a few squirts of liquid dish soap. The bees love the sweet smell of Mountain Dew and the yellow color. The soap in the bee juice will get on their wings and they will no longer be able to fly.
You will have to change the bee juice in your bee traps when you start to notice the bees are around again. This is usually about once a week. I hope that you have found this useful.
Oh my gosh, the guy is killing bees?? There's a severe shortage of bees especially in the United States. Don't kill the bees!!!! The lack of bees is a mystery, and is having an effect on pollination for farms.
I was shocked to see this too. If it was yellow jackets that would be understandable, but to kill honey bees when we need them so badly is just crazy.
We must have all the bees here if other places have a shortage. The last couple of weeks we have had swarms of them. We just had our Homecoming Parade and many students got stung. I was trying to help out since I had a sting kit in my vehicle but as we tried to treat the kids more bees kept swarming. The gas stations here have had to do something because people could not even get gas without getting stung. There was even a woman that got stung while waiting to pay inside. There is definitely no shortage here. These are also not honey bees. There are thousands of different types of bees. Some bees are aggressive and actually kill and take over honey bee hives.
Where do you live that there are so many bees?
I was wondering where you live, too.
We have a wasp trap that we bought, that you hang up outside. You put apple juice in it,and it really works well.