Dragon Naturally Speaking
There are days that I sit down at the computer and just stare at it. I get lazy from time to time and think about how nice it would be to just sit and do nothing. I never have a problem talking though. Everyone that knows me also knows that I talk nonstop. I saw ads for Dragon Naturally Speaking awhile ago and really thought about it.
$50 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred
It would be the answer to the days when I just feel lazy. I could find so many uses for it. They are having some great discounts from now until New Years Eve too. It would really be worth checking out. It would be great for students that do not have the time to type reports. Think about how much it would help in meetings. You could just record them instead of trying to take fast notes and miss them. You could then make text files and save the whole meeting without worry of missing a thing. It is a tax write off too if you use it for work!
Check out the Discount Codes...
- $50 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred
- $25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard
- $25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -MacSpeech Dictate