My Head Hurts

Somewhere around 2 pm I started to feel congested. It must be the weather changes. It keeps going from -10 for a few days, then tons of snow falls, and then 40 degrees and very wet as all of the snow melts. Right now we are on the second round of all the snow melting.
I had decided to make meatball calzones with mushrooms and bell peppers for dinner. So I made the dough and left it to rise as we caught up on some shows we had recorded on the DVR. As time went on I started to get a headache. At first I figured it was just because I was tired and I wished that I had the time to talk a nap. An hour later the headache was worse and I had pressure in my sinuses and behind my ears.
I took a few asprins and that helped enough to finish dinner. At least everyone loved the calzones so it was worth it. Now I am going to drink a glass of wine and try to relax.