Holiday from the UK to France

A big resolution that I keep making... and breaking is to find time to get away and relax. My life is always so crazy and stressful. I really could use time away but I never can find the time.
Just once I would love to just forget about everything and get away. I would love to take a month long trip like my old friend Glenna did. She just dropped everything and went backpacking through Europe. The trip sounded awesome. She did not plan anything ahead. She just hopped on trains and buses through the UK. Then like many people in the UK she took a Ferry to France.
This incredible trip was possible for her because she did not have any children yet. I guess I will have to wait until all of my kids leave home before I can make a trip like this. I still need to plan some time away though. Everyone needs to take a break from everything once in awhile.