Unfollow Non-Followers

Well, yesterday I unfollowed everyone that did not follow me back. I really am finding Twitter to be a waste of time and space. It is like a huge crowd full of people yelling but no one is listening. I still keep following people who's sites I like out of politeness. I also follow almost every person that follows me. There are some exceptions. I have no interest in following some internet whore that is trying to become a porn queen. They always seem to follow me though. It must be my big 80s hair that gets them.
To cut this shorter, I will say that I am sick of people just following me so that I will follow them back. Then they unfollow right after. So I am starting a new weekly routine. Every Wednesday I will be going to Huitter and doing their free manual version of Mutuality. I will dump all of the people that are not following me to make room for new people. If you have not used it yet...It is super fast and simple.
Any one that wants an assured follow back simply needs to follow me and keep me on follow. If you would like to let other people know that you are a guaranteed follow back leave a comment with your Twitter name so other people can follow you.
Great tip! I plan to do this also!
I've tried to announce giveaways, etc. on twitter and it does seem like no one is listening.
I'll spend the extra time on my blog :)
Thanks for sharing this. I'm doing it right now. Because I have over 500 people who I am following but are not following me. And Twitter will not let me follow anyone else, until the numbers are more equal.
I was on FB, but promised my hubby I'd no longer do it after a creepy stalking incident (long, scary story). Haven't been on FB in over a year. But, I missed the social interaction, so I tried Twitter. I lasted 2 days - it seemed so lame and self-centered. Especially compared to FB, right? Anyhow, that's my perception. I'm really old compared to most of the 20-somethings (I'm 42), so that may be part of it, but I don't tweet at all anymore because I guess I don't get it...
Thanks for the Mutuality link. I had not heard of that one. I am off to try it.
You are right----it's like everybody's yelling but nobody is listening. I do unfollow people who don't follow me. But I used FriendorFollow.com
I just manually 'unfollowed' about 500 people because of some rule or ratio who follow to ratio I follow, blah blah blah, I could NOT follow the people I really wanted to follow...so, some of these same people have 'unfollowed' me, and I am freed up to do what I want!!!
Did you follow that????
Your right sometimes it feels that no one is listening on twitter. I do love to chat on twitter and I follow every one back. It really annoys me those that follow and and then as soon as you follow they unfollow. Drives me nuts
I primarily use Twitter to learn about people and/or their companies. The ones I really keep up with a very few. I'm following you. :-)