Pumpkin and Pecan in One Pie

My youngest daughter loves pie. She is very picky though. I think she gets that from me. We both insist on our pumpkin pie being served warm and with lots of whipped cream. We both love pecan pie but prefer ones that are mostly pecans and less of that sugary stuff.
For a long time I have been meaning to find a recipe that combines pumpkin pie with pecan pie so we can enjoy it all together. I have been lazy though and have not actually looked for a recipe. Finally I have found a recipe that I really must make.
The My Pecan Pie Recipe website has a Pumpkin Caramel Pecan Pie that is just screaming for me to make it. I have not mentioned it to Neona yet because I know she would be hounding me nonstop to make it.
Yummy, now I want pie!