Springpad - Organize Your Life

Lately I have thought about getting an old fashioned organizer. Yeah, that thing people used when they actually had paper and pens and they wrote things. I figured that I would just end up forgetting to check it or filling it up with more stuff than it could handle.
I NEED something to keep up with all of the giveaways and advertising dates. I always worry that I will miss an end date for a giveaway. I also find myself having to go back and check when ad spots end. I have some great advertisers but they did after all only pay for a certain amount of time. I want to open up good spots for new advertisers too.
Springpad can do everything I need and a TON more. I love that it helps with online shopping. I hate when I find something online and then can not find it again later. It also keeps track of gift ideas, recipes, travel plans, to-do lists, and more. I tend to have piles of bookmarks for websites that I want to go back to but they are scattered between the 3 computers that I use. This organizer would make the holidays a lot less stressful!
Springpad can be accessed online or from your phone. You can also share things on your Springpad account by email or on Twitter and Facebook!