Parenthood on NBC

Have you see the new NBC show Parenthood yet? I absolutely love it! I am the only one in my family that watches it so I set it to record on the DVR and I always watch it alone. James has no interest in even trying to watch it but I think I will keep trying. He tends to come around and end up liking shows that I like after awhile.
There have been many family sitcoms but this one is different. This one is more real. They are not all perfect little rich families. They are not out there and crazy. They represent regular families with regular problems and they struggle with how to handle their problems just like we do.
The show is about the Braverman family. There are four adult siblings and their parents who are also struggling with life and their marriage. The oldest son and his wife find out that their son has Asperger’s Syndrome and their daughter is hiding that she has a boyfriend. A younger single son finds out that he has a 5 year old son. One daughter is a corporate attorney who is married to a stay at home dad. The other daughter is a single mother that is faced with moving her kids back home to live with her parents.
If you are interested in checking out the show you can catch up on previous shows on the NBC Parenthood website.
My husband and I LOVE this show!! It is great. I think Crosby is cool!