Woman's 1000 Pound Goal

Donna Simpson is 42 years old, married, and has two children. She eats 12,000 calories a day for a whopping $750 a week grocery bill. To pay for all of the food she charges people to watch her eat on webcam. Seriously... People pay to see her eat?
I feel bad for her children. She claims that she is healthy and not hurting anyone but her children are the ones that risk losing their mother.
I can not imagine why she would want to go for this goal. I guess some people will do anything for a tiny bit of fame.
That is just too weird! How could she go around that big? And take care of her children too?
Ooookay. What, is she hoping someone will sponsor her to loose all that weight and then have plastic surgery afterwards?
$750 is like 3 months worth of food for our family of 3. Unreal!
This is crazy. Why would anyone want to watch?
What made her think of eating as a way to earn a little bit of fame? Maybe it's the only thing she's good at.
I agree with you, that is pretty sick. I don't know who is dumber; Her for trying to reach her goal of 1000 pounds or the retards paying to watch a fat chick eat food for no good reason.
I believe she needs some psychiatric help.
Wow... that's a great lesson to teach your kids.
I think that it's completely ridiculous. Yes, unfortunately, some people will do anything to get some attention. This is what happens when you have no other talents and thus have to resort to foolery and idiotic stunts to get people to notice you.
Anyone who tunes in to watch her web cam is just as much of an idiot as she is. You can walk down the street or into fast food restaurants in any US city and see tons of clueless, obese people slowly eating themselves to death.
What's worse - what she's doing or the morons who actually pay to watch her do it?
That is disgusting. Why would she want to weight a 1000 pounds that just down right gross.
That is horrendous! Her growing list of watchers is not worth risking one's life for. At the end of the day she would still lose those followers when she checks into a hospital for the abuse she has done to her body. She must think of her health, seriously, and especially she must think of her children too
I think Storm hit it on the head. People love watching train wrecks. This is a train wreck. When she reaches her goal she will then record her attempt at loosing it all. She could write a book after. the thing is that people will buy that book. Ultimately this woman has to live with herself.
wacko, I'm not paying to watch her, nor buying her book if she gets a book deal etc. She's seen stupid reality TV and she's trying to do similar things by blogging;; but why are you helping her spread the word?
More people will now know about her because you're helping her with publicity