Busy Doing Nothing

Ok so I was a bad person and went too long without an update again. I haven't signed in for awhile and I have no excuses. I started working at the Famous Sam's here in Sierra Vista and it was not any where near as nice as the one I worked at Oro Valley. That part of town is nasty.

The employees and customers were more poor than I have seen people in years and years so there wasn't much money to be made. Plus the drug use in that part of town was horrible so being around the people drove me nuts so I quit. I will write more about the crazy things that happened there in another post.

I decided to wait till after Christmas to find another job. So I have been just organizing and throwing things away. Which I should have done before the move but had no time. This town pretty much falls into 3 groups ... retired, military, and drug users.

There are very few average people like us so the kids have no one to play with for xmas break. All the military has gone home for the break. No neighborhood kids to play with means they are stuck cleaning with me.

My mom just called last night for Noelle's birthday and announced that they are coming to visit tommorrow. It is an hour and a half each way so it won't just be a quick stop by. James just had a cyst removed from his wrist that was tangled in tendons 2 days before xmas. He had to take a week off work because of the pain and he can't move his hand so the tendons can heal. He had the vacation time but one of his assistants quit so he was still going in for about 4 hours a day.

Now that he is back to work the other assistant had to be suspended pending an investigation that will almost definately end in his getting fired. So James is working open to close 7 days a week until he can find someone in this town qualified and able to pass a drug test. The average working class people here tend to do a ton of cocaine and meth.

That brings us back to me. I have to get back to cleaning for my parents coming and fill out some more applications online so that is it for now. I will try to come back more often. LOL
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