We got the house

The owners of the house we are trying to rent were supposed to call James Sunday so they could all meet at the house and talk more. We waited all day and did not get a call. I am not good at sitting still. I looked on the Craig's List web site, which is where we found the ad, to see if it was still on there. It was not.

Once it hit 3:30pm James called them and left a voice mail letting them know that if they still wanted to meet that day he was going to be only in town until around 5pm. He went shopping after work to get Noelle some stuff for her birthday so he could kill some time because he was worried that they would call after he already left. They never called so he decided to drive by the house as he headed home. I thought maybe they might have gone over to the house and lost track of time or forgot to bring his number with them since they had it on an email.

When James drove by he said that the house was completely dark and the "for rent" sign in the front was gone. So we still hoped that we got the house and they just had not called back yet. James got probably 30 more minutes of driving done when the man called him. The man said that they still had not gotten the keys from the woman so they had not been able to see the house yet. He said the woman told them that she had everything out of the house but she had put some things in the garage until she could get to them. He then told her that she could not keep things in the garage and had to have them out by today. So he said that he would be getting the keys this morning.

Anyway, the man said that he has only had 4 tenants and one of them was his son that usually did not pay rent. He said that he would rather have an established family in there rather than a partying single man or a young couple that could split up or have kids that they were not ready for. So he told James that we could have the house!

He asked James when we wanted to move and James told him as soon as possible. James said that he was willing to do any work that needs to be done if it means that we could move in right away. So the man said that he would work on the house the next two days since James is going to be here any way and then Wednesday he will bring the lease over to James' work since he will be driving home from work that way. I am soooo excited but I am still worried a little. I would rather the lease be signed already. I will not feel comfortable until it is.

Well, James is back from the store (he has to have frozen pizza for breakfast on his days off) so I better get some coffee made so I can start packing.
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