The Guard Dogs
So what do you use to keep your house safe? We use two big dogs. Jack London is 85 pounds and his son Padfoot is 100 pounds. The are huge dogs and look very scary. They even have a scary bark. The problem is that anyone that really knows them also knows that the only way either of them even gets off of their butts is if food in involved.
We probably have the laziest dogs ever! Padfoot will not even stand up while he eats and drinks. As soon as he gets to a food dish he does this strange sliding maneuver with his back paws and ends up laying down cuddled around the dish.
In the past we had moved very often so people did not really get to know the dogs. We have now lived in this town for a year and a half so people know that the dogs are not really scary.
Since we have lived here longer than normal we have also accumulated a lot more possessions. Add in the bad economy and I start to wonder if maybe we should look into getting an alarm system.
I looked at a wireless security system at Protect America and found some interesting packages. I really like the Platinum Package. It includes a garage door sensor. Our garage is full of expensive things because of James' work. There is no way that we could replace everything.
If anyone else is also looking into home alarms I have learned of a special offer through Protect America. If you call this special number 877-470-2751 you get 2 free keychain remotes with their order.