Time Capsule
11:09 AM
by trafficpro

Get your kids together and talk about the past year. Have them discuss what they will remember the most. Then they can decide what to add to the time capsule. I like the idea of having the kids write a kind of diary entry about the year. Then they can write their name on an envelope and seal it shut.
When everything is in the time capsule you can decorate it and label it with the date. Put it away in a safe place until you are ready to open it. Your family can then decide how long to wait to open them. I think 5 years sounds good.
This would be a great New Years tradition for any family. If you make a new one each year you will also have one to open every year after the chosen amount of years has past.
Last Minute Gifts
7:27 PM
by trafficpro

Just when you think you are done buying gifts there is always another one. There is always someone like a coworker or neighbor that you did not even think about getting a gift for. Someone that gets you a gift and you never thought they would. What do you do?
Do you tell a white lie? You could say that you forgot it at home or that you did not think you would run in to them so you did not bring it. What is the proper way to handle it? You do not want to offend them or hurt their feelings.
I tend to be a very last minute person. There are times that I just do not buy a gift until after Christmas since I know I will not see the person until later anyway.
We also do some after Christmas shopping for gifts for the kids. Many family members give the girls cash so then they get to pick out their own gifts.
There are so many reasons to buy gifts after Christmas. Whatever your reason there are some great deals to be had. Stores stock up on items for Christmas so when Christmas ends they drop the prices. This is a great time to get some last minute gifts from Kmart. Even if the gifts are just for yourself.

My Head Hurts
7:08 PM
by trafficpro

Somewhere around 2 pm I started to feel congested. It must be the weather changes. It keeps going from -10 for a few days, then tons of snow falls, and then 40 degrees and very wet as all of the snow melts. Right now we are on the second round of all the snow melting.
I had decided to make meatball calzones with mushrooms and bell peppers for dinner. So I made the dough and left it to rise as we caught up on some shows we had recorded on the DVR. As time went on I started to get a headache. At first I figured it was just because I was tired and I wished that I had the time to talk a nap. An hour later the headache was worse and I had pressure in my sinuses and behind my ears.
I took a few asprins and that helped enough to finish dinner. At least everyone loved the calzones so it was worth it. Now I am going to drink a glass of wine and try to relax.
Heroes During The Holidays
6:22 PM
by trafficpro
This time of year I really think about military families. My father was in the Navy. I had two brothers in the Army. James was in the Marines. I have many more Aunts, Uncles, and cousins that have also been in the military. It has a way of making you see how much family really matters. It also gives you a look into how many lives are touched by them.
A friend of mine just recently had her husband come home after a very long year overseas. Solders may be strong but I feel Military wives are often stronger. My friend is definitely one of those stronger ones. Her husband might have been overseas and in a very dangerous place but my friend was the one that had to sit at home worrying about him.
My friend had children that still needed to be taken care of plus she was pregnant. She was faced with a harder situation than I could ever imagine. Her husband was not even able to be there at the birth of the new baby.
Sears has a wonderful program called Sears Heroes at Home. Sears collects the donations and then distributes them as gift cards for military families. The website shows some of the things that the families have on their wish lists. It really makes you think when you see such simple items being wished for. These are families that are struggling in many ways and would just like some new winter clothes or new shoes. The donations are not tax deductible but it really is a worthy cause.

Merry Christmas
7:49 PM
by trafficpro

I hope you all have a great holiday and share some wonderful memories with your families. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
I have loved doing all of the holiday posts! I will now have more time to get caught back up on redoing the main website. I still will miss all of the excitement of the holidays. I guess I will have to just come up with some fun new things in the coming year.
I have been touched by all of the holiday greetings from the community. I really do love having this contact with readers and fellow bloggers as well. I can not wait to see what the coming year has to offer.
Once again, Merry Christmas to you all. Eat lots of good food and sweets. You can always go back to being healthy tomorrow. Everyone has to cheat once in awhile. You deserve it so indulge.
Gift For Expecting Moms
7:08 PM
by trafficpro

There is nothing like seeing your miracle baby for the first time. You count all of the fingers and toes. You look at how big they are and wonder how they fit inside of you. How incredible it is to think about all the growth and development they went through for 9 months.
We live in such a great time period. There are so many advances made everyday. Now the miracle of life that is a baby being born can be even more of a miracle. Now we have found that blood from the umbilical cord has life saving stem cells.
Cord blood can be saved and banked for years. There are over 70 diseases that can be treated with cord blood. There have been over 8000 transplants worldwide that have used cord blood. Saving your child's cord blood could end up being a life saver for that child or a sibling.
The cord blood service that Cryo-Cell offers can be a great gift also. Many times families are struggling financially when children are born. Receiving it as a gift would make any mom happy. They also offer gift certificates so you can get family members to all chip in.

Biscuits and Gravy
8:32 AM
by trafficpro

I never ate biscuits and gravy until about 8 years ago. It never interested me and I really am not much for gravy. James loved biscuits and gravy. He would get it anytime we went out for breakfast. I decided that it should be another thing that I learn how to make for him. It is not very healthy so I do not make it often. I make it maybe 3 times a year. I only make it on holidays.
I always assumed it would be hard to make but it is not. I do not even use a recipe when I make it. I am sure you can find thousands of recipes online but I do not see the point.
1 tube of original breakfast sausage
1 tube of hot or spicy breakfast sausage
salt & pepper
Fully brown both tubes of sausage. Mix in flour a tablespoon at a time until all of the grease is soaked up and it makes a thick paste. Keep cooking and stirring to cook out the flour taste. Add milk until it gets to the amount of gravy to sausage that you like. It takes a lot more milk than you would think. Make sure that you have a full gallon of milk before you start just in case.
Bring to a boil and then lower to a simmer as it thickens. Salt and pepper to taste.
Dragon Naturally Speaking
8:19 AM
by trafficpro
There are days that I sit down at the computer and just stare at it. I get lazy from time to time and think about how nice it would be to just sit and do nothing. I never have a problem talking though. Everyone that knows me also knows that I talk nonstop. I saw ads for Dragon Naturally Speaking awhile ago and really thought about it.
$50 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred
It would be the answer to the days when I just feel lazy. I could find so many uses for it. They are having some great discounts from now until New Years Eve too. It would really be worth checking out. It would be great for students that do not have the time to type reports. Think about how much it would help in meetings. You could just record them instead of trying to take fast notes and miss them. You could then make text files and save the whole meeting without worry of missing a thing. It is a tax write off too if you use it for work!
Check out the Discount Codes...
- $50 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred
- $25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard
- $25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -MacSpeech Dictate

Candy and Garland
8:10 AM
by trafficpro
Garland can really dress up your home during the holidays. I hate putting away the decorations after the holidays. I feel like the house is so plain afterward. Here is a cute idea to dress up and decorate your garland.

How about if when Santa comes with all of the presents he also decorates the garland with candy? They can wake up to presents, stockings, and candy filled garland. All you need is some cheap garland, foil wrapped candies, and a stapler. Simply staple one side of the wrapper to the garland. The kids will love having the house decorated in candy.
Most Memorable Gifts
7:27 AM
by trafficpro

I can not think of just one great gift. There have been many great gifts. When I was young my father and brothers made me a doll house for Christmas. Not just any doll house but a huge doll house. It was on wheels so I could pull it away from the wall when I wanted to play. It was 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. It had three levels, a front porch and balcony. I had that doll house until about 3 years ago.
I got a great gift from James this last birthday. Usually he is not that big on birthday gifts but this last year my coffee maker had just broken. He does not really drink coffee but I guzzle it. He really surprised me when he got me a two in one coffee maker and cappuccino maker. I love it!
C'Elle offers a service that could be a great gift for a family member or yourself. It could be the gift of life. New stem cell research is finding that menstrual blood has some of the same qualities as more controversial stem cells. C'elle gives women a way to collect and store these cells so they can be used in the future by themselves or family members. Do you know someone that would love a C'elle kit as a gift?

Egg Strata
7:36 AM
by trafficpro

Make Memories Blog
Egg Strata is a great holiday breakfast. When you are already busy worrying about everything else it is nice to have something that is made ahead of time that you can just throw in the oven when you wake up. It is also great if you had overnight company. You tend to stay up late and then everyone is hungry in the morning. Who want to slave in the kitchen after a long night? Not me!
You can use white or wheat depending on your taste.
You can also cut the crust off if you want.
Egg Mixture
12 eggs
4 cups milk
Seasoning - you can use anything you want... (salt, pepper, seasoned salt, mustard, Tabasco)
Use anything your family might like in an omelette.
(Bacon, ham, sausage, cheese, onions, bell peppers, hot peppers, mushrooms, spinach)
1. Lightly butter or spray a 9 X 13 inch casserole dish.
2. Cut bread into cubes making 6 or 7 cups. Then spread the cubes evenly in the dish.
3. Spread your fillings evenly over the bread cubes.
4. Pour the egg mixture over the top.
5. Cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate over night or at least 4 hours. (you really should not skip this step it allows the bread to soak up the eggs)
6. Pull the dish out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before you want to bake it so it can warm up some before you put it in the oven.
7. Bake at 325 degrees for about an hour. You can add more cheese to the top close to the end if you like more.
Family Movie Night
7:12 AM
by trafficpro

I love movie nights! A perfect evening for me would be all of us sitting around the livingroom watching movies together. We seldom have soda in the house so usually it is a treat for them on movie nights.
Many times we add to movie night by also having an appetizer night. You do not know what an appetizer night is? It is the most unhealthy of dinners so one should not have them often. It is just a special occasion type thing.
We will raid the freezer section of the grocery store and pick out tons of appetizers and make a meal out of it. Some favorites are hot wings, egg rolls, pizza rolls, onion rings, and mozzarella sticks.
Another movie night favorite at our house is the making of frozen drinks. The girls love frozen fruity drinks. Our all time favorite is a mixture of frozen mangos and frozen pineapples blended with ice and cranberry juice.
Whatever your family movie night traditions you still need a good family movie. There seems to be a turn towards family in movies these days. There are so many great family movies out these days. Movie studios have not always made so many family movies so I am glad they are seeing the value in it now.
All Roads Lead Home looks like a great family movie. I even cried while watching the preview. That is another family movie tradition for us. I cry at almost every movie and the girls look at me and say, "Mom, are you really crying over a movie?". Here is a great clip of All Roads Lead Home The Movie

Wine Glass Charms
6:47 AM
by trafficpro

You always see so many beautiful wine glass charms so why not make them yourself. Then they are exactly what you want. You can make them in many styles and colors to fit who you are. So here are some instructions.

Your first option is to use ear wire beading hoops. If you choose this option you just need to buy some ear wire beading hoops and beads. Simply arrange your beads the way you want them and then use a jewelry pliers to bend up the end. The end then fits into the hole to close the wine glass charm.

Your second option is to use ring sized memory wire. If you choose this option you just follow our instructions for a memory wire bracelet but you use the smaller ring size wire and make a tiny version. The wine glass charms made this way just get wrapped around the stem of the wine glass just like the bracelets are worn.
Everything you need for both options can be found at craft stores. If you want to add charms make sure you also pick up some jump rings for them to hang from so the charms can dangle.
6:16 AM
by trafficpro

There are still great teachers and not so great teachers today. The difference today is that there are far more distractions at school than there used to be. Kids are more worried about dating, gossip, and school violence than ever before. This all adds up to kids not learning as much at school.
Brightstorm is a website that can help out. It is not a replacement for the schooling your child already gets. It is a supplement to it. You and your child can sign up for an account and choose courses to buy. They have many courses to choose from including some SAT prep courses.
The courses are done as a way to get the kids a little extra help in the classes they are already taking. They are done by great teachers that make learning fun. The courses also help get your kids more interested in the subjects so they can stay more focused when they are in their classrooms at school too.

Rags to Riches
10:12 AM
by trafficpro

So with all of the problems with the economy and people losing their jobs and houses where are the "Nouveau Riche"? You know the ones. The people that made it big when the going was good and spending was king. They went from having nothing to having everything. Well they are still out there and they are doing great.
Just this morning on the news they were talking about the new trend this Christmas with the Nouveau Riche. High end stores are reporting that the rich are actually asking for plain white bags when shopping. That's right, they are still spending a bundle but they are hiding it from others now. At a time when so many are struggling they want to hide how much money they still have to throw away. I would love to have such a heavy burden to hide.
So what do the Nouveau Riche know that we don't? How do people like J.K. Rowling do it? What are we missing? How did she go from a single mother on welfare to a multi-millionaire in five years? She must not have had a laptop and a comfy couch like I have. They tend to come between me and my great ideas.
Action Allstars
7:44 PM
by trafficpro

I wanted to check ActionAllStars.com out before having the girls play so I made an account for Neona. Unfortunately for her I really got into the Bumper Baseball game and she did not get to play for awhile.

Action Allstars also gives kids the ability to chat safely. They have full time moderators and two options of chat for parents to choose from. If you choose Safe Chat it allows atheletes to type messages but they go through a filter. The filter checks to be sure that no non-approved words, phrases, phone numbers, or other personal information are used.
You can also choose Safe Chat Plus. With this option kids can not type messages they can only pick from premade messages. If I were to change one thing I would add soccer. My girls love soccer.

Protect Your Identity
8:44 AM
by trafficpro

The economy this Christmas season has caused people to cut back on their spending. Many families have already cut back and Christmas proves to be an added strain on budgets that were already about to unravel.
When people are hurting for money crime always goes up. Christmas is always a high crime time period as it is. We need to really be careful during this time of year. People get robbed in parking lots. Cars and homes get broken into also. All in the search for the extra cash and presents that are expected during this time of year.
As technology gets more advanced so do the criminals. Everyday you hear about people committing crimes over the internet. People hacking into websites and stealing information. Information is big money.
How many people and companies have your information? Companies you do business with or pay utilities too. Stores you buy things from. Everyday we leave a paper and internet trail behind us. How many people have access to your social security number, credit card numbers, bank and savings account numbers. All you need is for one of them to use that information and your credit and future can be destroyed.
I just recently heard a story about a young man that went to buy his first car and found he had horrible credit. He just became an adult but someone else had already used his information and got bills and credit cards in his name.
Some people will check their credit history from time to time but very few think to check their kid's credit history. Kids are especially vulnerable because it takes longer before anyone will notice the problem. Kids do not normally apply for loans or a new job so bad credit is not found right away. This gives people time to cause more problems.
So what can you do? You can check your credit history and those of your kids from time to time. This shows you if anyone is getting bills, loans, or credit cards in your name. By then they have already caused damage though. You will find out but you will still have to go through all of the problems to try to fix it. Sometimes you are not able to fix it.
A better option is to pay a company like LifeLock. I am sure you have seen the commercials. The man has a huge sign on the side of a truck that has his name and social security number on it. You would not ever want anyone to have access to both or they could destroy your life. That is why they say to never carry your card in a purse or wallet.
LifeLock has identity protection services that stop criminals from even being able to ruin your credit. Before any new credit can be issued in your name creditors will have to be called to verify that it is really you. It is that simple. For more information you can check out LifeLock reviews.
Toffee Shortbread
6:08 AM
by trafficpro
I guess it was not that bad so I should be happy. This time the call was James asking if the girls and I had been baking like we had planned on. We had actually not been baking. I got pretty behind schedule since I got sidetracked and redesigned this blog. Yeah I know, when I get sidetracked I really get sidetracked.
James figured that we had baked cookies like I originally planned so when he planned an early morning meeting for his store managers he promised them homemade cookies. So I baked cookies until I was ready to collapse. The girls loved making everything though.
Noelle dipped some pretzels in chocolate and the rest of us made three types of cookies. James loves when I make Shortbread and they are super easy to make. He also loves toffee chips so I decided to add some Heath Toffee Bits to my normal Shortbread recipe. They are yummy!
- 2 cups butter
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 bag Heath Toffee Bits (not needed if you want regular shortbread)
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- Cream butter and brown sugar. Add flour. Mix well.
- Press dough evenly into a baking sheet.
- Cut the dough to the size pieces you want.
- Prick the pieces with a fork to make a nice design.
- Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes or until the sides start to brown.
- While still warm carefully run a knife through the cuts again.
Mocha Sandwich Cookies
4:03 AM
by trafficpro

I love snow days as much as the girls. We got in the holiday spirit and made some cookies. These cookies are great! If you do not want to go to all of the trouble of doing it all you can just make the cookie dough. Often we just make the dough and roll it into balls to bake. They taste great dipped in coffee too!
Mocha Sandwich Cookies
2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup butter, room temperature
1/4 cup milk (any kind)
1 tbsp instant coffee or espresso
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
In a medium bowl, sift together flour, cornstarch, cocoa powder, salt and baking soda.
In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter until fluffy. Blend in half of the flour mixture. Dissolve the instant coffee in the milk, then add milk mixture and vanilla extract to the bowl. Blend in remaining flour mixture, mixing only until no streaks of flour remain visible.
Drop dough onto a large sheet of wax paper and shape into a log 1 1/2 to 2-inches in diameter. Roll tightly to seal. Freeze dough for at least 1-2 hours, until very firm.
Preheat oven to 375F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Using a sharp knife, slice frozen dough into rounds no more than 1/4-inch thick and place on baking sheet.
Bake for 12-14 minutes, or until cookies are set around the edges. Thicker cookies will need slightly more time in the oven than thinner cookies.
Cool completely on a wire rack.
Mocha Filling
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp milk
2 tsp instant coffee or espresso
1 1/2-2 cups confectioners’ sugar
In a medium bowl, combine butter, cocoa powder, milk, instant coffee and 1 cup confectioners’ sugar. Beat at medium-high speed until smooth, then add in remaining confectioners’ sugar until filling is thick and fluffy, but still easy to spread.
Spread about 2-3 tsp between each pair of cookies to fill.
Makes about 2 1/2 dozen sandwich cookies (4 1/2-5 dozen unfilled cookies)
Personalized Gifts
6:17 AM
by trafficpro

I absolutely love thumb drives. We have quite a few of them here. I keep one in my purse at all times. It became a habit when I was working and needed to work on and access files from different locations. It also has my resume on it and you never know when you may want your resume. James has one in the laptop case since he goes between stores, his office, the laptop, and the home computers. Noelle has to have one for school since she works on reports at school and home. We also have some laying around at home that are just used when someone needs to print something. We seldom have enough ink in all of the printers and I do not like the security risks involved with printer sharing. We just use thumb drives to take our files to whatever printer has ink at that given moment.
Thumb drives have many purposes and everyone uses theirs for their own reasons. Thumb drives are becoming just another thing that we can not live without. We personalize everything else in our lives so why not our thumb drives?
This Christmas Pexagon is offering 20% off 4 awesome personalized holiday gifts! Personalized Thumb Drives, Personalized Pens, Business Card Flash Drives, and Wooden USB Flash Drives. They all come in a choice of colors and free engraving. The Personal Thumb Drives start at $7.99. What a great deal!

November Top Droppers
6:31 AM
by trafficpro

I swear I just had to do top droppers for October! This year really is flying by. I am a bit late but I have been busy so I apologize.
Thank you to my November Top Droppers...
- ThinkingOutLoudBlog.com
- Computer Aid
- The Ad Master
- Dungeons and Dragons Corner
- HRM Business Practices and Notes
- Everyday Living
- EzGreatLife
- Avoid Money Scams
- MJG's Rambling Thoughts
- BRYAN KARL | Everything Online
- Symphony of Love
- Marriage and Beyond
- Darnuth Keep
- Technically Easy
- My note's
- Picture to People
- Mommieshome.net
- Lainy's Musings
- Turnip of Power | Social Networking
- verITableLIFE
- atenean101 @ Blogspot
- More Than Sew So
- Chica & Pumuckl - 2 Egyptian Cats in Germany
- cheapdanny
Turkey Pot Pie
9:11 AM
by trafficpro

2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
13 tablespoons unsalted butter , cold, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
7 tablespoons vegetable shortening , chilled
4 - 5 tablespoons ice water
1. Mix flour, salt and sugar in food processor fitted with steel blade. Scatter butter pieces over flour mixture, tossing to coat butter with some flour. cut butter into flour with five 1-second pulses. Add shortening and continue cutting in until flour is pale yellow and resembles coarse cornmeal with butter bits no larger than small peas, about four more 1-second pulses. Turn mixture into medium bowl.
2. Sprinkle 4 tablespoons of ice water over mixture. With blade of rubber spatula, use folding motion to mix. Press down on dough with broad side of spatula until dough sticks together, adding up to 1 tablespoon more ice water if dough will not come together. Shape dough into two balls with your hands, one slightly larger than the other. Flatten into 4-inch-wide disks. Dust lightly with flour, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for 30 minutes before rolling.
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- 3 carrots, chopped
- 4 tablespoons flour
- 4 cups chicken or turkey stock
- 2 potatoes, peeled and diced
- 2 cups shredded turkey
- 1/2 cup frozen peas, thawed
- 1 prepared pie crust
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Melt butter in saucepan and cook chopped onion until tender. Stir in celery and carrots and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in flour and cook for 2 minutes. Add chicken stock and bring to a simmer. Add potatoes and simmer until tender. Stir in turkey and peas. Pour mixture into a casserole pan. Top with pie crust and brush with egg. Bake for 30 minutes until crust is golden.
2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
13 tablespoons unsalted butter , cold, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
7 tablespoons vegetable shortening , chilled
4 - 5 tablespoons ice water
1. Mix flour, salt and sugar in food processor fitted with steel blade. Scatter butter pieces over flour mixture, tossing to coat butter with some flour. cut butter into flour with five 1-second pulses. Add shortening and continue cutting in until flour is pale yellow and resembles coarse cornmeal with butter bits no larger than small peas, about four more 1-second pulses. Turn mixture into medium bowl.
2. Sprinkle 4 tablespoons of ice water over mixture. With blade of rubber spatula, use folding motion to mix. Press down on dough with broad side of spatula until dough sticks together, adding up to 1 tablespoon more ice water if dough will not come together. Shape dough into two balls with your hands, one slightly larger than the other. Flatten into 4-inch-wide disks. Dust lightly with flour, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for 30 minutes before rolling.
Turkey Asparagus Bake
6:09 PM
by trafficpro

The Sauce
- 6 tablespoons butter
- 1 onion diced
- 6 tablespoons flour
- 1 cup turkey broth
- 2 cups milk
- 5 tablespoons Dijon mustard
Turkey Asparagus Bake
Now you can assemble the dish. If you want to be fancy you can wrap the leftover turkey breast around bundles on asparagus. I could care less about that so I just layer it all. In a 9x13 baking dish layer asparagus and then turkey at the bottom of the pan. You can then pour the sauce over the top and bake in the oven with foil over the top at 375 for about 30 minutes.
Sometimes I change the recipe around and add a layer of mushrooms before the turkey. I have also been known to sprinkle some swiss cheese over the top at the end and bake another few minutes uncovered until the cheese gets bubbly. I am sure that you could come up with some new ideas too.
Thanksgiving Casserole
6:38 AM
by trafficpro

The recipe is quite simple. First I butter a 9x13 baking dish. Then I make a layer of leftover stuffing at the bottom. If we happen to have those cranberry raisins laying around I add some in the stuffing. This time of year we usually do because James loves them in Oatmeal Cookies. Next I layer some dark meat turkey. I have many other recipes that call for any white meat that is leftover so for this one I only use the dark meat.
I always make corn for Thanksgiving so I add some leftover corn next. Now you add some leftover gravy to the top of the meat. There are times that I have ran out of gravy but I always boil the carcass to make broth so worse case scenario I have to make a little gravy. The top then gets covered with mashed potatoes. You bake this dish at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes or until the top browns. You can sprinkle some paprika or other spices to the top if you would like it to have a pretty look.
All Thanksgivings are different so some years I will run out of stuffing or mashed potatoes. The beauty of this dish is that you can change it any way you like. If you are out of potatoes just put the stuffing at the top. You will then still have a pretty topping.
My family loves this dish and it is a nice and easy meal which is nice after all of the cooking and cleaning of Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving
4:53 PM
by trafficpro

Just a quick post before I go on with my day. I wanted to make sure to thank all of my blog readers on this Thanksgiving Day. With out my readers this blog would just be me talking to myself. I do talk to myself often but it is nice to know that sometimes people listen.
Thank you all for stopping by everyday. Thank you for your kind words that are shared in the comments. Thank you to all of you that are here from Entrecard for your daily drops. Thank you to all of you that have given this blog and me awards. Thank you all of you that have linked to this blog. Thank you all of you that have blogs. I love putting off work and chores to read your blogs. It would be very hard to be a slacker if there were not good things to read.
Okay this is starting to sound like a long drawn out award ceremony so I should stop. I just want you all to know how thankful I am to you all.
Happy Thanksgiving
Sears Heroes at Home
4:39 PM
by trafficpro

I would like everyone to remember one more group of people that need donations. The families of our heroes in the military are also heroes themselves. They sacrifice much of their lives also. Women go without their husbands and often times have to raise their children alone. Children go without a parent for sometimes a year or more.
Christmas can be a very hard time of year when families have a loved one in the military and they are away. Not only are they unable to spend the holidays together but they also struggle with money. Military families are not paid nearly enough for all of the hardships they go through and can use all the help they can get.
Please join Sears and remember all the military families this Christmas. Sears has a Heros at Home Wish Registry that is taking donations to help out. This year when you think about people that need help remember the Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry.

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