Happy Thanksgiving

Just a quick post before I go on with my day. I wanted to make sure to thank all of my blog readers on this Thanksgiving Day. With out my readers this blog would just be me talking to myself. I do talk to myself often but it is nice to know that sometimes people listen.
Thank you all for stopping by everyday. Thank you for your kind words that are shared in the comments. Thank you to all of you that are here from Entrecard for your daily drops. Thank you to all of you that have given this blog and me awards. Thank you all of you that have linked to this blog. Thank you all of you that have blogs. I love putting off work and chores to read your blogs. It would be very hard to be a slacker if there were not good things to read.
Okay this is starting to sound like a long drawn out award ceremony so I should stop. I just want you all to know how thankful I am to you all.
Happy Thanksgiving