7 Days Free Unlimited Music Downloads

First there was Napster and then they got slapped with a major lawsuit. Then came a rush of other peer to peer file sharing programs. Record companies started to threaten to take them to court as well. Little by little they started dropping off the face of the Earth. Just a few of the big ones still remain. We are now starting to see that everyday people are getting sued by record labels for sharing files online.
A few websites have started to have music downloads where you pay per song. This keeps it legal but can cost a lot if you want a lot of music. Some websites now have paid memberships with unlimited downloads. What if you could get 7 days full of unlimited downloads for free? What if it was completely legal?
Altnet is a website that offers unlimited music downloads for a monthly membership. It is 100% legal. They have partnered with the record labels so that they can legally provide all the downloads. You can now get that huge library of music that you always wanted.
The best part is that they have a Free 7 Day Trial. I have seen many places advertise free trials only to find out that they do not give you a full free trial. They limit the access you get or how many times you can use it. The free trial on Altnet really is a full free trial. You can get 7 days of unlimited downloads completely free.
How many songs could you download in 7 days? I have a feeling that I could download a lot! We love music in this house. We listen to many types of music. We have shelves and shelves of CDs. We have not bought many CDs lately though so this website might fit in nicely for us. We all like different types of music so it would be cheaper to use this service than buy all of the CDs.
If you bought one CD a month you would only end up with 12 CDs at the end of the year. For that same price you could download as much music as you want any time you feel like it. Now add on that they also have ringtones! That saves you even more money. You will no longer have to pay separately for each ringtone. I will definitely be checking out thisFree 7 Day Trial!

A few websites have started to have music downloads where you pay per song. This keeps it legal but can cost a lot if you want a lot of music. Some websites now have paid memberships with unlimited downloads. What if you could get 7 days full of unlimited downloads for free? What if it was completely legal?
Altnet is a website that offers unlimited music downloads for a monthly membership. It is 100% legal. They have partnered with the record labels so that they can legally provide all the downloads. You can now get that huge library of music that you always wanted.
The best part is that they have a Free 7 Day Trial. I have seen many places advertise free trials only to find out that they do not give you a full free trial. They limit the access you get or how many times you can use it. The free trial on Altnet really is a full free trial. You can get 7 days of unlimited downloads completely free.
How many songs could you download in 7 days? I have a feeling that I could download a lot! We love music in this house. We listen to many types of music. We have shelves and shelves of CDs. We have not bought many CDs lately though so this website might fit in nicely for us. We all like different types of music so it would be cheaper to use this service than buy all of the CDs.
If you bought one CD a month you would only end up with 12 CDs at the end of the year. For that same price you could download as much music as you want any time you feel like it. Now add on that they also have ringtones! That saves you even more money. You will no longer have to pay separately for each ringtone. I will definitely be checking out thisFree 7 Day Trial!

Sounds like Altnet has done a great business deal with the music companies that will allow people to download music legally and for a cheaper price.