This has been a very busy week for us. This week is the end of summer school so there have been field trips and picnics. Today is the last day of summer school so Neona will be doing a show with the other kids in her cheerleading class. As great as these summer classes have been I am looking forward to a month of no early mornings and no driving back and forth to school. With all of the craziness around here I have not been able to pass on the awards that I have gotten this week.
This award I got from Toni over at It Is Nap Time . I really like her blog so I was touched that she gave it to me. She seems like a very sweet person and has been great about commenting here when no one else does. That really is a pick me up when I feel like no one is actually reading it.
This award I got from Lora over at Lora's Journal. I also really like reading Lora's blog and I love coffee. You may remember that Lora was also the person that tagged me with my first Meme. I should be passing these awards on but it kills me to pick out just a few good blogs. It also pisses me off when I pick what I think is a good blog and then find that the rude people that have the blog can not even bring it upon themselves to say thank you. So I will give these awards out to YOU. Yes you! You the person that did not just come and drop your Entrecard on my page and leave. You the person that did not just read two lines and get bored. You the person that decided to read all the way to the bottom. You are the people I love and write for. You deserve these awards.

Hi Melissa ...dropping by here to read your recent post ;0 See yah!!!