Baby Borrowers

Baby Borrowers on NBC
These days "kids having kids" is becoming less and less shocking. This show has brought together young people that wanted to hurry up and have a baby with just that. There are 5 young couples that truly believe that they will be together forever and they want to have a baby right away.
The show started last week with the 5 young couples moving into a houses as neighbors. I do love the show but I think that if they wanted it to be fully realistic they should not have been neighbors. It would have been more realistic if they could not depend on each other.
They first had to start with a pregnancy belly. They had to go to prenatal classes and set up a nursery. Right from the beginning one girl locked herself in a bathroom and refused to wear the belly because she felt that her boyfriend was thinking she was fat and making fun of her.
Then the babies came...The young couples had to deal with sleepless nights, holding down a job, crying babies, puking babies, nasty diapers, and angry parents. One mother went in right away to yell at the couple. One mother went in upset because her baby was not bathed or changed for bedtime and the young couple said they should just let the baby cry. Another mother went in and sympathetically tried to help. The one that touched me the most was the father that wanted to go in because his baby girl had not smiled for so long.
This week on the show the babies left the house so the couples were visited by their own mothers who told them their opinion of how they did. Then the parent's of the babies came to pick up the babies and tell them what they thought.
Through the course of the show the young couples will have to go through being pregnant, having a baby, having a toddler, preteens with a family pet, teenagers, and then the show ends after they have to take care of a senior citizen.
The girls and I have been anxiously awaiting the show to start since we saw the first commercial a month ago or more. We have really looked forward to the new show each week. I love the show and my girls have absolutely no interest in having kids for a very long time. LOL
Okay, so have you seen the show? What do you think? Do you have an opinion?
Heck yes I've seen the show and have been blogging about it too! It's a fantastic concept. If it will help more teenagers gain a little bit of reality then that is a great thing! I was a young mother and I don't recommend it. LOL - It's HARD.
Yes I have been watching, too. It's sad and funny at the same time. I think it was put together really well! I loved the fact that they had to get "jobs" and "pay the rent".
brilliant, if you ask me. this should be a pre-requisites for anybody who wants to start a family.
I will have to try and figure out a way for my 13 year old daughter to see this.