Big Online Only Deals

I have found some great sales on a few websites lately. Many websites not only have sales for the holidays but extra discounts can also be found online. Many retailers are finding that people like shopping online and avoiding the crowds. I HATE crowds so shopping during the holidays can really drive me nuts. I think I may be taking advantage of some of these sales.
Kmart is one of those stores that are having online sales. Attention Women's Kimono Wrap Sweater is an extra 10% off online only. The Abbey Hill Medallion Dream bedding collection is an extra 30% off online. What a great deal! Okay I had to take a screen shot of this because it is amazing to me. The extra online only discounts are only added when you do the check out so the already low sales prices get even lower. It is like double coupon day at the grocery store.
Check this out...

99.99 King Sized Comforter
-50% Savings
-15.00 30% off online only sale
-3.50 10% off extra online only
31.49 subtotal
7.50 shipping
38.99 Total
For more savings check out the Kmart website. The sale prices are only good until November 26 so hurry on over. You can find a lot of great deals. If you missed the sales do not worry Kmart will continue to offer a 10% online only discount on many items...
- womens plus sleepwear
- womens attention brand
- girls tops
- ALL juniors
- boys tops
- mens shirts and bottoms
- big mens shirts and bottoms
- infant and toddler bedding
They will also have hidden ornaments throughout the site through to Christmas that provides a customer extra savings on already great prices with a secret coupon code!