Rebuilding of America
In today's economy not many people think $25 matters very much. People that have a lot of money see $25 as nothing. They spend that without even blinking. Even families that are really struggling can look at $25 and not see it's real power. It is not even a drop in the bucket when it comes to paying off bills and keeping food in the table.
Now look at what $25 can do if everyone gets together and everyone has $25 to add. Then it can create miracles. There are many worthy causes to donate to these days and many are running out of money because people just do not have the money to give.
What if there was a worthy cause that actually guarantied to give you the money back? Rebuilding of America is that cause. Rebuilding of America takes the money it gets and uses it to buy property that construction companies could not finish because the loans were defaulted. They then finish construction on the property.
Rebuilding of America is not asking for hand outs. When you give them as little as $25 they give you a Certificate of Deposit. Every Certificate of Deposit is a securitized FDIC insured investment through a reputable financial institution such as Chase Manhattan Bank. You are guaranteed to get your money back after 5 years.
In the meantime the money is used to help the economy. Think of all the construction workers that are now left with no work. This project gives people jobs and puts money back in the economy.
Now look at what $25 can do if everyone gets together and everyone has $25 to add. Then it can create miracles. There are many worthy causes to donate to these days and many are running out of money because people just do not have the money to give.
What if there was a worthy cause that actually guarantied to give you the money back? Rebuilding of America is that cause. Rebuilding of America takes the money it gets and uses it to buy property that construction companies could not finish because the loans were defaulted. They then finish construction on the property.
Rebuilding of America is not asking for hand outs. When you give them as little as $25 they give you a Certificate of Deposit. Every Certificate of Deposit is a securitized FDIC insured investment through a reputable financial institution such as Chase Manhattan Bank. You are guaranteed to get your money back after 5 years.
In the meantime the money is used to help the economy. Think of all the construction workers that are now left with no work. This project gives people jobs and puts money back in the economy.