When was the last time you really took the time to smell the roses? How about the roses in your life? Our lives are filled with such wonderful things. We tend to pass them by when we are busy and not even notice them.
The other day I was talking to a man that I run into everyday. We always stop to say a few words and the conversation always ends in him saying, "See you tomorrow". On Tuesday I ran into the man like always but this time I told him that I was going away so I would not be around for a few days. We even had a conversation about where I was going. In the end guess what he said..."See you tomorrow".
It started me thinking about how busy our lives are. I often find myself doing something and not paying attention to what I am doing or what others are saying. Everyone that knows me has heard me say, "I am sorry, I was on autopilot for a minute".
We walk through much of our lives in a fog. Our minds are so full from our busy lives that we can barely concentrate on the here and now. This causes us to miss all the great things in life. Not to mention how unsafe it is to go through life not paying attention.
I have decided to consciously take time to relax and smell the roses.
Hi Melissa and thanks for stopping by my place.
You're exactly right. I'm one of those who forgets to "live in the moment" and am glad to have a reminder...thanks!
Hi Melissa,
I am pleased to let you know that you are the winner of The Frugal Housewife's Chex Mix Bars giveaway.
Please email the address that you want the two boxes shipped to and I will pass it along to My Blog Spark and they will ship it directly to you.
My email address is thefrugalhousewife@gmail.com
Thanks again for entering!