Web Directories

I am sure that in your explorations around the internet you have seen some very ugly or very boring websites out there that have thousands of visitors. How do they do it?
You can have a great website or blog that has a great look and design yet have very little visitors. The internet is full of great websites that rarely get seen.
It is like the pretty girl who sits at home every night wondering why she does not have a date. You will not meet many people unless you get out there and be seen. The same applies to websites. You have to become your best fan and sell yourself all over the internet.
I do not mean beg for links! Everyday I get emails from people begging me to link to them and I ignore everyone of them. Maybe it is rude of me, but I find it rude of them to send me the email begging. There are many ways to do get links without begging. They range from joining groups and forums that are in the same subject matter as you to just submitting your sites to directories like DMOZ.
This can be a very fast and easy source of traffic for your site. I recommend creating a text document that has everything you want included in a web directory so you can easily copy and paste it to numerous sites without wasting time typing it over and over again.
Some web directories are better than others. Obviously you only benefit from the extra link if people see it. So look for higher traffic ones.
I would recommend submitting your site to every web directory you can find. If you have a few spare minutes in your day take the time to find some new places to add yourself. You could find a free web directory everyday and still not scratch the surface.
Many of the sites you already visit have a section to add your link so make sure to look around when you visit sites.