Voting for Covers

This time I voted on the cover photo and name for a new Betty Crocker Casseroles & Slow Cooker magazine. The photos all looked delicious but I voted for a photo of an Italian Sausage Casserole. I also voted for the name to be Easy One Dish Meals instead of Casseroles & Slow Cooker. I just think that casseroles and slow cooker meals tend to bring out the thought of old fashioned meals that grandma would make.
I have really been enjoying working with General Mills. They have kept me going with a constant flow of things to try and review. The girls and I love trying out the new things they keep sending us. The gift baskets are great too. I have really appreciated the giveaways. They have been a blast. I have come across some really great blogs because of the giveaways.
Make sure to check out our new giveaway if you haven't...
Yoplait and Stationary Giveaway
I just did this same survey for Betty Crocker :-) it was my very first one for them via myblogspark! I voted for the same cover too.
When are you drawing a winner for your Yoplait giveaway? I read your post again but didn't see a date for it.
I will be drawing a winner next Wednesday. August 5th to be exact.