Are We Done Moving Around?

James' work has kept us moving for years. My 14 year old daughter is in 8th grade and going to her 7th school. As much as I would love to be back in the warmth of Arizona, we have been here for 2 years and we would really like to stop moving.
It is really nice to not have to deal with the stress of moving. For years it seemed like I was either packing or unpacking. James would not get much notice before our moves so he would go a month ahead of us. That meant that I was the one that had to take care of everything.
I would do all of the packing and looking for a new place to live. We move so much that we always rent houses. Luckily you can find a lot online. I love how many ads there are for homes and apartments for rent online now.
I would have to look it all up online and make all of the phone calls. If a place sounded promising I would make an appointment for James to go see it. This also meant that I never really got to see a house before we moved in. James would usually take a picture of the outside for me but that was it. We have been lucky most of the time though.
Some houses had owners that almost stalked us. One house in particular had an owner that lived in the same subdivision. The couple would walk past the house at least three times a day. They would stare into our windows all of the time. The owners of the house we are in now are great. I have actually never met them. We have lived here for 2 years now and James has met them maybe twice. It is much nicer than the stalker couple.
I can't imagine having to do all that moving. I've been in the same house for 21 years and if I ever had to move it would be a nightmare with all the junk I've managed to collect over the years.