Chicago Trip Part 4

What a cool idea! As we sat waiting for the show to begin we got to see what everyone wrote.
It was fun to read as we waited. It also brought the audience closer as they started to talk about the tweets. It took a bit longer to notice what the background was.
Behind the Twitter stream was a changing background. Then we realized that it was actually a video being recorded within the venue. It would zoom in on two people for awhile and then move on to an other area in the audience.
It added to the fun as audience members started a kind of "Where's Waldo" and tried to hunt down who was getting taped at that time. The most fun backgrounds were of people that had no clue they were being shown on the big screen. There were tons of people stuffing their faces with popcorn and pizza.
I think that was the most fun I have had waiting for a show! I was a bit disappointed though. I figured that there was no reason to bring my cell phone along so I could not send anything onto the Twitter screen. :(