Old Traditions

Dating used to mean going to dinner and a movie. Now for most people it means sitting in a crowded bar and never really talking to the person you are with let alone getting to know them. Having a party meant food with friends, great conversations, and maybe a game or two.
The host of the party would spend time planning a fun evening and send the guests home with a party favor as a thank you for coming and something to remember the evening by. Even children's birthday parties have changed. There are seldom party games and party favors. Now parties are just a way for kids to get gifts.
A good party is planned well ahead of time. There is more to do than just sit and drink. If gifts are received there should be some kind of thank you for the guests. Good manners and etiquette have almost been forgotten.
I couldn't agree with you more. I guess the newer generations just doesn't care about the good old ways