Alexa Toolbar - Increase Rank

I have seen a few blogs lately talking about Alexa rankings. Some have talked about how Alexa ranks them lower than other ranking services. Some have said that they think they might be falling in rank because of Entrecard. I do not think Alexa is complex enough to factor that in.
I do however know of how we can all bring up our ranking and help other Entrecard members as well. Alexa gets most of it's traffic information from people using their toolbar. Their toolbar counts one visit to your site per day per toolbar user. This is perfect for Entrecard seeing as people come once a day and usually everyday.
If we all use an Alexa toolbar while dropping we will get a two for one kind of deal. All you need to do is download and install the Alexa toolbar and make your drops like normal. If you tell your blog visitors about it then they will use it as they drop on you! Then all their drops on you are seen by Alexa.
I know there are tons of toolbars out there today but it is really simple to add and remove toolbars any time you want. For those that are not aware of this... All you need to do is look over to the right of your toolbar and click on Tools. From there click on toolbars and then check and uncheck whatever you want to use at that time.
All you need to do is download the toolbar and then head off to make your drops. Make sure you drop on me too. (wink wink) LOL
When you download the toolbar make sure to click Save. I made the mistake of clicking Open the first time and got no toolbar.
Yes it is available for Firefox too!!!
Alexa Toolbar Download
Need More Info?
If you do not want to just take my word for it... Here is what Alexa says on their website about how they get their rankings.
About the Alexa Traffic Rankings
A listing of all sites on the Web, sorted by traffic...
Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa Toolbar users and data obtained from other, diverse traffic data sources. The information is sorted, sifted, anonymized, counted, and computed, until, finally, we get the traffic rankings shown in the Alexa service.
I came through Entrecard. I've been reluctant to download Alexa, but what the heck. I'll try it. Please come by my blog some time. Thanks.
Done. Hopefully others will find me the same way. Thanks.
I thought Alexa was now using other means than the toolbar to record visits. I could be wrong about that, but I am pretty sure I read somewhere (maybe even Alexa's site! GASP!) that their new algorithm was not going to be totally based on toolbar results.
I don't think I have the toolbar anymore (I used to but with the upgrade of FF, I'm pretty sure I lost it), but my Alexa has been improving.
At the bottom of my post I added what Alexa says on this matter. It does state that they also get some of their results by looking at what other ranking companies have sites listed as.
While you can not change that part of it. You can try to change how many of your visitors are using the toolbar.
Site visits are archaic.
Google,Y!,Alexa,& Technorati all have backlinks at the cornerstone of their various algorithms.
Google does not do it better like folks claim though. Their DB is full of junk links. How classic is it when you can type "buy online", and can see how terribly skewed the results are.
Google will one day end up like Ebay... Just a tired old home for tired old knock-offs and scams.
Alexa is no better. Their traffic ranking system has too many flaws, and too many folks have already pointed them out, only to go unanswered.
And anyone that thinks Technorati doesn't skew their results must have claimed their new blog just today. :-)
Aim at Yahoo & DMOZ. Both feed their results to where it counts. MSN will fetch your links later than they will, but MSN will in the end, just be patient.
Stay away from focusing on Google. Their stock is running at $528 right this minute, and anyone with any brick and mortar sense knows that per share price is not worth it. The AdSense bubble will burst, the scams used to suck Google dry of AdSense $'s will inflate that whole bubble to a burst. (Along with the YouTube lawsuits)
Yahoo did the right thing handing Microshaft their walking papers. Sit on their hands and wait. Yahoo was here before, and will be there after. Folks that jumped the fence to adsense will have a rough time adapting to that deflated tire, and all of its e-book spawns. :-)
Google will one day go the way of Ebay... A tired old home for tired old knock-offs and scams...
I'm glad you've got it. But, I did read somewhere that Alexa kicks out EC dropped visits so that it doesn't show your EC traffic (I'm assuming it's for the drop and go EC visits). I use it either way.