Family Fun with Microwaves

I am sorry once again
Today is going to be a busy one. Normally I have free time to work on my sites while the kids are at school. Today however is Noelle's graduation from 6th grade. Who knew it would be a bigger thing than her graduation from 5th grade! LOL
For those that have just started to get to know our family... We have had to move a lot because of James' work. We just moved to a small town in January. This town has 6th grade in elementary school so Noelle is yet again having a graduation. This time the girls are older so it is a big deal. I have been informed that I must straighten her hair, apply some make-up, and help with the dress. The graduation is during the normal school day so James is coming home from work early and I am unable to be entertaining in blog world. LOL
I decided that since there are a lot of new readers from Entrecard, I will repost one of my favorite posts from the pre-Entrecard era. For those that have already seen this I am sorry. For all you Entrecard readers, I hope you enjoy it. Now I am off to shower and get all beautified.
As I sat here today thinking about what to write about James called and asked me to fax him a grocery list. The girls and I started to check what we needed and soap was on the list. This is when Neona asked if we could microwave some Ivory soap this week and make some oatmeal soap. So I started to think about all the things people microwave for fun.
There are many people that microwave things that are dangerous but I have no interest in buying a new microwave right now. There are a lot of everyday things that you can microwave that will not break your microwave. You can even teach your kids a science lesson while having fun. They may get a little messy though.
***I should now let you in on a little secret just in case you do not know already. Restaurants use this method all the time and no one has messier microwaves than them. To clean a microwave with the least amount of work you just need to microwave a wet washcloth for 1 minute. Keep the door closed while the cloth cools off. The steam softens whatever might be hard to scrub. After the cloth has cooled off enough you should be able to just wipe the microwave clean. For really hard jobs you may need to do this twice. This method also eliminates the need for strong chemicals that can get into your food when you cook it.
Things to remember...
- You should always microwave things on a paper towel or microwave safe plate so clean up is easier.
- As much as you want to feel things afterwards remember that they will be very hot.
- Soaking plates in water afterward will make it easier to clean them but you HAVE to wait until they are cooled down all the way.
- Marshmallows can still be eaten but you HAVE to wait or you will really burn yourself.
- Do not EVER leave things in the microwave unattended unless you know the results. These things are not meant to be microwaved for very long.
I covered this on the main website already. Summary - Microwave Ivory soap on top of a paper towel for 2 minutes. Ivory soap is whipped full of air. Air has water vapors in it so when it is microwaved it expands into a big soap cloud. Remember that after you try this one you can use the soap to make the oatmeal soap craft. The Ivory soap ends up having a very weird waxy paper like feel. (remember to wait until it cools down)
This is one the kids like to do when we have just a few leftover after a bon fire. Place a marshmallow or peeps on a microwave safe plate for about 1 minute. It will swell up much larger than the original size. If you cook them too long they will burn and have black spots. Burnt marshmallows turn into rocks that are not edible. They are also very hard to get off of plates and silverware.
Gummy candies
You can microwave any kind of soft candy like gummies or jelly beans. Be very careful though because they turn into a pile of hot bubbling sugar lava. Again, let cool off fully and then soak the plate in water to dissolve the sugar.
Have fun trying different things at home. Remember the basic microwave safety rules though. I have included some videos from YouTube if you would rather just watch some things getting done and not make a mess. LOL
I have not tried the grape plasma one yet. I do not know how much I feel safe with that one. The egg one can be bad too if the microwave is too small or the egg is put into a bowl. Remember that any explosion creates a force so anything that is too close to the force can break.
*If you are viewing this post offsite as a feed you will need to click over to the actual blog to view the video player.
That all being said....
Happy Microwaving and remember to...
Hi Melissa thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I was watching the video and I have never seen a bar of ivory soap melted like that. I found it very entertaining. I hope the graduation went well....Jude