Camping Games

Okay, I have time for a quick break. For all of those that are waiting for me to get back to them... Sorry, but that will not be happening until around Monday.
This weekend is going to be very busy for us. We have relatives coming and some of them will be staying with us. I will be lucky if I can manage to get my Entrecards all dropped. If you do not get one this weekend I am sorry. I will be back dropping like crazy after the weekend.
So I decided to post some things for next weekends Great American Backyard Campout.
This weekend is going to be very busy for us. We have relatives coming and some of them will be staying with us. I will be lucky if I can manage to get my Entrecards all dropped. If you do not get one this weekend I am sorry. I will be back dropping like crazy after the weekend.
So I decided to post some things for next weekends Great American Backyard Campout.
Players: 4 or more
Everyone sits in a circle. One player, the leader, goes around saying to each player, "I took a trip. What did I take along?" The players name any object they please. One may say, "a suitcase," another says, "a pickle." Other answers might be "a lunch box," "an alarm clock," a peanut butter sandwich," "your poodle."
After each player has named an object, the leader goes around and asks a different question, any kind of question that will be funny, because the players are not supposed to laugh. The leader asks the same question of each player and they each must give the same answer they gave before.
For example, the leader asks something like, "What did I travel on?" The answers would come out, "a suitcase," "a pickle," "a lunch box," and so on. Since anyone who laughs is out of the game, the leader purposely tries to think of questions that will make their answers seem funny and silly.
After everyone has a chance to answer the first question, the leader asks another, such as "What did I wear around my neck?" and then another, trying to get everyone to laugh. The player who laughs last wins.
All sit in a circle. Pass cards around telling people to keep them hidden; the person with the ace of spades is the murderer. When he is ready, the Murderer winks at people in the circle. Anyone who sees that they have been winked at lets out a blood-curdling scream and "dies." If someone thinks they know who the murderer is, they ask everyone to put their hands out into the center of the circle. Everyone closes their eyes and the person guessing touches the hand of the person they think is the murderer. If they are wrong, they are out of the game and the murderer is free to carry on... until they are found out or they murder everyone!
Take turns telling three statements about yourself. Make sure one of the statements is a lie. A little imagination goes a long way in this game! Everyone then tries to figure out which statements are true and which are not.
A quick time filler, this is ideal to calm a group down. Tell the campers that you are going to time a minute on your watch. The campers have to raise their hand when they have counted a minute in their heads. The closest one is the winner. This game can be extended to two minutes (or any other length of time) when the children get good at it.
*You can find these camping games and more by checking out the Great American Backyard Campout site.