PreSchool Mama

Well, I can not begin announcing any winners until I introduce you to someone first. Before I even started this contest she was a winner. Actually before I even started a blog she had already won my award.
I am a lazy website builder. Gone are the days that I do anything from scratch. The main website has over 200 pages so I just find one that fits my needs for the new page and make a copy of it to work with. As I copied the Family Links page I realized something. I had already had an award winner with a blog that has not ever been discussed on this blog.
So before we begin the announcements I would like to tell you about her.
She has some fun ideas to try. Almost all of the ideas use things you already have at home. She finds new and exciting ways to teach and entertain your preschooler.
PreSchool Mama's "About Me"
The PreSchool Mama is a one-stop resource for all the help and support you need to raise your preschooler.
In here, you’ll find advice from me, a former Montessori preschool teacher and mother of a 7 year old, that will help you give your child an edge, enhance his learning and reading skills, and boost self esteem; easy tips and how tos for fun activities and crafts projects; and links to great resources that will help you take your child through this, the most important stage in his development.
The PreSchool Mama will give you advice on dealing with common preschooler health and nutrition issues. You’ll find simple and easy ideas (I love simple and easy. As a preschool mama, many of you will have other younger or older kids, or a full time job, and time could be a luxury.) for arts and crafts that combine creativity with a great bonding experience for you and your child, 5 minute activities that will help you teach him through play which is how kids of this age do all of their learning, and how-to articles to help your child develop his reading, alphabet and numeral skills.
You’ll find resources to help with potty training and bed wetting issues, ways to enhance socials skills and encourage independent thinking.
You’ll find all the stuff that’s worked for me, the well meaning tips that didn’t, and the tricks I wish I’d known when I was raising my son.
You’ll also find advice, inspiration and motivation for you, the PreSchool Mama, without who this blog wouldn’t exist.
Thanks so much! I am so flattered. Have a great rest of the week.