The Barefoot Challenge

Bilaal has written a book entitled, “Making Change: Tips from an Underage Overachiever”. I think that book would be a great read for anyone but especially children. What an inspiration this young man is.
Children have that flame in them that makes them want to change the world. When they see the wrongs in the world they want to take action. It is the adults that tell them there is nothing they can do, because adults get complacent and lose hope. Hope is still alive in our children and this young man proves that children can make a difference.
Bilaal recently had a Barefoot Challenge. From April 19-25 Bilaal went barefoot. Often times people say that you never truly know what others are going through until you walk a mile in their shoes. Bilaal saw that many children can not afford shoes so he went barefoot and asked others to join him in the challenge.
What a neat idea. This young man really makes you think about what you can do to make a difference. You could even do something as a family to teach your children about the less fortunate and about helping others.
If you do not know where to start or do not have money to give to charity just think locally at first. You could volunteer your time to local charities.