Get Outside and Play
Everyone turns into a kid when there are balloons or blow up balls. Adults and kids alike will have a blast playing this game. It gets everyone outside. It gets everyone active. Most of all it will get everyone laughing. Even the most sporty person will not have much of an advantage in this game. It is all just about the fun.
This one can be fun and educational. By choosing what goes on the list you can make it simple, silly, or educational. If you want to make it harder give clues instead of just a list. For younger kids you can do colors, rhyming words, or shapes. For the older ones use things they are learning about at that time. It will still be fun and they can work their brains at the same time. You can also do it all about nature since you are outdoors.
Dig in that recycling bin and see what you can find. Fill some empty 2 liter bottles or milk jugs with enough water to keep them from blowing over and start bowling. Just about any ball will do.
Why let the fun stop just because it got dark. Grab some flash lights and have some fun. This one ends up being a combination of Hide & Seek and Tag. Younger kids and older adults have an easier time with this one since less running is needed.
**Today's generation does not know the fun games we played outside as kids. It may take a little coaxing to get them away from the video games but once you do they will love it. Get your kids outside and have some fun. It will also be a great chance to talk about when you were a kid.
I keep a file of scavenger hunt lists on my computer, that way when my kids get bored during the summer, I can just print one out for them. Keeps them busy for hours!