Blogger's Fake Baby

Just like any other morning, I sat on the couch with my laptop and turned on the news. I do not really watch the news I just catch a story here and there. All of a sudden I heard the word blogger. Naturally, my ears caught that!
I was shocked with the story I heard so I had to go online and look up some more info. I will save you all from having to do all of the work and tell you what I learned. I will try to just stick to facts and not many opinions.
Becca's readers became suspicious when her lies started to get tangled. Due dates changed and the baby became weeks over due. The lies finally got discovered when she announced that the baby died and produced pictures of her "child". The pictures were of a life like doll.
Her readers became outraged and the blog was quickly deleted. It was too late though. People had already found out her name and the media got involved. She then posted an apology on her blog.
The apology is very lengthy. She does apologize but it sounds like she is still continuing some lies. She really tries to get people to feel sorry for her and make her life still seem horrible. I have trouble believing anything said when someone can lie so easily and for so long.
She states,
"If in the future I want to speak out more, or want to be heard in another public format, I will do so if/when able."To me it sounds like she is just trying to keep people feeling sorry for her so she can start a new blog.
Becca claims that she is,
"no stranger to losing a baby. I have suffered this type of loss, more than once, to varying degrees, and while the circumstances and times vary (spanning from between my college years through just this last year), the pain is very constant."In two articles it is reported that she lost a baby back in 2005. The apology states that the reports about her incorrectly report "an event" in 2005. A college friend of her's did in fact lose a child to the disorder that she claimed her baby had. These reports make it seem more like she stole her friend's story to get attention.
She claimed in an interview that she started the blog to help her deal with her lose. If this was true she could have just wrote a journal for herself to read. If she wanted to blog about it she could have done it without claiming it was happening right now. It just does not add up.
She states in one interview that she had expected only a handful of friends to read it, but when her first post got 50 comments, she was hooked. Are you kidding me? We all know how hard it can be to get a new blog noticed and she just happened to get 50 comments on her first post without trying!?!
She also states that she was not in it for the money and that Blogher contacted her asked her to run their ads. I can not say that I have ever heard of Blogher doing that. The fact that she had a P.O. box on the side bar so people could send her things also implies that she wanted people to send her things. DUH!
If you would like to learn more about the story you can check out these links...
* an old screen shot of the blog
* the apology
* Chicago Tribune article
* Good Morning America article
Yes it is disgusting that she would lie and exploit other people's stories. But a part of me feels sorry for her. How sad must her life be.
She is pathetic, making up and stealing stories like her own just to get attention from other blogger. thanks for sharing.
As sad as it is and as outraged as we all are. She is obviously in need of some help that maybe now all of this will get her that help!
This is so sick!
2 of my babies died, and I would never ever use them to get attention or something else.
She needs a psychologist to deal with her life. NOW!
This women obviously is in need of psychiatric help and /or support.
Very sad post.
What she did is just so creepy!
tsk..tsk.. storytellers...
We have a fellow blogger... he said he had a heart surgery. I get to chat with his sibling, friend and ex gf... they all testified about his condition..and they blog about it too..They told stories about him waking up from a coma... and not able to remember anything.
Until we found out that these people all are just him..
He failed to prove everything he said about him... as well as those people... if they really exist.
We had suspicions... those we get to chat with sounded like him... Good thing I trusted my instinct. So fishy.. It was stinking.
We traced him... it's a long story. We knew about his lies and tell-tale stories.
He has so many readers and commentators. A lot were sending his sibling emails asking about his ("fake") condition... Until he sent a message saying
As soon as we found out about the truth he deleted 4 of his blogs containing those TELL-TALES crap.
He played with our emotions!