Summer Break

I have not worn glasses in years. I know I should take my contacts out every night and let my eyes rest but life gets crazy. I really should get some new glasses so I can take better care of my eyes. Eyewear has changed so much over the years and mine look very out of date now.
Neona really needs new glasses. She loved her's so much that she never wears her newer ones. She has worn the same pair for two years. This year they are getting too small so I want to find a pair that she will actually wear.
I think I might get her some prescription sunglasses too. I feel bad that her sisters get to wear sunglasses and she never gets to. It would also help out over the summer. I know I hate being outside without sunglasses. Squinting in the sun makes wrinkles after all!
I better get a move on and actually get some things done this summer. If it is anything like last summer I will still have a huge to do list at the end. I really want to get things done this time.
I want to get rid of a lot of clutter in the house and do some painting. I really need to take better care of the garden this year. The far end of the yard needs some work too. I want to clear out a lot of brush and make the yard longer.
If all goes well I will get at least half of that stuff done.