Hold Please

Well this Friday morning started with a small rain storm. I have been so busy I forgot it was Friday (which means I have to drive the kids to school because Abby has to bring her cello for orchestra). James had my Grand Cherokee so I had to drive his monster Land Rover (which has a broken keyhole in the drivers door, which is the only door that a key is even accepted in, really makes no sense to me, but we refuse to pay $500 for a new keyhole. Stupid Land Rover!)

So I, not knowing it is Friday till now, look like crap. I have to open the back gate that opens to the side like a door and we stand in the rain as Autumn climbs over the seats to unlock the doors from the driver's door inside. Then we are off to school.

I spent the rest of the day calling utility companies for the new house and sitting on hold listening to annoying music. Why is it that the instructions for what number to hit are so quiet and the music so annoying loud? ...So I sit on hold all day.

Well, now I'm off for a shower and to get ready for work and pick Abby up from orchestra.
I'm thinking tonight will be an energy drink night.
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