Time Flies

I can't believe it has been a week since I got on here last. I will try to catch up as fast as a way too talkative person can.

Wednesday...I went to work at night. I love Wednesdays, I made great money. We decided that since there is no school this week and I don't work Thursday we will drive 2 car loads to the new house, unpack, and stay over night. James was going to leave at 5am like usual for work and I would go later with the kids and dogs after I slept some.

Thursday...When I got home (3am) I decided I should do the drive before I fell asleep since I am more tired when I finally get any rest. I started packing up the kids stuff in the Jeep and James woke up. When he realised he couldn't get back to sleep (I never shut up); We decided to just do the drive then.

After waking up kids, packing in dogs, and driving there; it was 6am when we got to the new house. I was ready for James to go to work so I could finally sleep when I find out he is only going to go in once in awhile to check on them. I love how I am always told to just go to bed while kids play outside my window and James is using a drill.

Finally, James has to go for a work meeting after closing (6pm). I get the kids to take their showers, turn on movies for them, and put chicken in the oven. The house is quiet and after 31 hours without sleep I set my alarm for a one hour nap. Wake up, check the chicken...piece of crap oven in the new house burnt the chicken.

Neona is already sleeping so I cut the dry ends off the chicken (dogs are happy) and feed the other 2 kids. I turned another movie on and went to sleep.

Friday...I meant to drive back right away in the morning, but I am still sick and the bed is too comfortable after not seeing it in so long. Finally pulled away from the house at 11am, started to drive and remembered I wanted to drive past the kids new school so they could see it. Got back on the road to find out the border patrol was stopping all the cars on the highway.

After driving a half an hour decide to stop at A&W for snacks on the ride. Finally get the "hour and a half drive" done at 2pm. I am finding that I am not good at road trips. Wash my work clothes, take a shower, and get back in the car to drop kids off at my mom's for the night. Work from 5pm till 3am.

Saturday...Wake up at 9am to pick kids up at parents by the 10am promised latest time. Find out my mom is following us back to use my computer to get plane tickets (she won't get internet). She stays until 1pm insisting there has to be cheaper plane tickets even though she wants to fly the week of Thanksgiving. I wash work clothes and lay down for a nap at 2pm. Wake up at 3pm to get ready for work and work from 5pm till 3am.

Sunday... James doesn't work Sundays usually and likes to watch football and Nascar. I still being sick; sleep off and on most the day trying to catch up on missed days. I wake up with just enough time to get in a stupid stress and sickness fuelled fight with James before I have to get ready for work. I start at 5pm and work until 3am like usual and it is karaoke night.

Monday...Wake up at 6am get the kids up for school and out the door at 7am. Still feel like crap and fall back to sleep at 8am. Wake up at 3pm when the younger 2 get home. I got 7 hrs of sleep but I just wasted a day off that I was supposed to pack and clean. I go to pick Noelle up from orchestra, help kids with homework, cook dinner, watch a movie and fall asleep. Wake up at midnight like usual on my days off because I'm not used to sleeping then. Watched TV and check long ignored email while trying to fall back to sleep. I think I fell sleep around 4am .

Tuesday...Wake up at 6am get the kids up for school and out the door at 7am. Watch morning news, still sick and tired, fall back to sleep at 8am. Wake up at 1pm, watch Days of Our Lives ( I watch about twice a month. It makes it more fun. Then I can say "wow, what the heck happened".) I get a phone call from work and get told the manager at the sports bar in our chain in the town I am moving to with the same owner wants me to transfer with the company. He wants me to start very soon after I move.

One more problem down. I have a job !!! I still worry because it is a new place but I always worry. After I get off the phone I do an hour of laundry and dishes and then the kids are home. I help with homework and then we shampoo the area rugs so they are ready to be moved. We do more laundry and then dinner time. Crap, another day ended and not much more accomplished.

The kids fall asleep, I sit down with a short book to try to get tired and find myself finished with it at midnight. Check my Myspace account and Nicole wakes up complaining she is thirsty but we are out of water bottles. (water bottles are the only ingestable allowed into bedrooms) I get her a travel coffee mug and fill it with ice water. Grab a beer and start catching up on my blog hoping to get tired. It is now about 2am and my beer is finish and I guess I will grab another beer and head back to the TV and try to get tired.

Starting to think I should get ear plugs for the kids so I can do things while they sleep. LOL

The move has been postponed until Monday because James had to suspend his assistant and wont be able to come back here Sunday so I have also had to leave work a day early.

Count Down...
6 days till the move
3 days of school
3 days of work
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