Bad Mommy Forgot Again

Before we left Arizona she had three pairs of glasses. We had just gotten a buy one get one free deal and then James' work added vision insurance. Of course we went ahead and got an extra pair since they were covered.
It was wonderful having all of those extra pairs of glasses. Her favorite pair were really expensive so we made her wear the cheaper pairs when she played sports and just ran around outside.
She broke one pair playing soccer when the ball hit her right in the face. It was not a big deal since she still had two pairs. Now she broke her good pair. Well actually I broke them.
The girls had been in my room so when I walked around my bed there was a blanket on the floor. Without thinking I stepped on the blanket. I felt a crunch under my foot and knew right away that it had to be something important.
Apparently Neona put the glasses on the cedar chest to take a nap and forgot about them. The girls say that the dogs must have knocked the glasses and the blanket off of the bed. All that matters is that they were the expensive glasses so she is stuck with the ones that she hates.
I think that we will get her one expensive pair at the eye doctor with the insurance and a few discount pairs of eyeglasses through Zenni Optical. I really want to have extra pairs again.