NAKANO Seasoned Rice Vinegar

I have been looking for some new recipes since I am up to my eye balls in tomatoes. I found some incredible recipes on the NAKANO site! I think I will start by making the Penne with Tomatoes and Feta Cheese that is on their site.

Roasting cherry tomatoes not only makes them a beautiful addition to a recipe but also really enhances the flavor of the tomato. You can leave them whole of cut them in half. It just depends on which look you prefer.
All you need to do is place cherry tomatoes on a pan and drizzle some extra-virgin olive oil over the top. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper and bake for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees.
I am really excited about some of the recipes I found on the NAKANO site so I had to print the coupon to try it out.