Summer Camp

When I think back to summertime when I was a kid I always think of the church camp my parents sent me too. I went to Spencer Lake Youth Camp for years. I made some great memories there.
Summer camp was always a lot of fun. We would have afternoon craft things to do and plenty of free time activities. It gave us a chance to get closer with friends. It also gave us a little feel of independence from being away from our parents.
It was also fun to get out into nature. The swimming, paddle boats, and canoeing was always good for fun and laughs with friends. The tubing down the river was fun too. I seem to remember someone in our group getting leaches though.
I still love nature but I think it should stay outside where it belongs. I can not live without a hairdryer, hairspray, and makeup. Our group was lucky enough to stay in rooms with electricity, air conditioning, and our own bathroom with a shower. I still say this is the best way to camp!
The bus ride home was never as much fun as the ride there. We had to leave all the fun and new friends behind until the next summer. It was always a nice thing to look forward to though.
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Everytime I hear crickets, I think of my 6th grade summer camp.